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To Wear a Mask or Not, is That the Question? 😷

It is like picking up your dog poop. No one enjoys it.

Words In Motion
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2020


I live in what was the ‘epicenter of the epicenter’ of the pandemic: Brooklyn, NY.

Even here, there’s resistance. Some people have very convincing reasons for choosing not to wear a mask in public.

Here’s my question: Unless you’re medically incapable, why wouldn’t you? None of us signed up for this, but we all need to care for each other within it if we are to survive as an empathetic society.

Think of wearing it as a way to ease the burden of stress and fear for your neighbors, with very little inconvenience to yourself.

You can make an incredibly positive impact on your neighbors with a small piece of fabric.

It is like picking up your dog poop. No one enjoys it. Living in proximity to others, we know it is the right thing to do, so we do it. Not doing it is antisocial, and your neighbors won’t appreciate it.

Everyone is on edge right now. Many in your community are experiencing very real fear. Why not make people around you feel safer, even if you don’t believe there’s irrefutable proof of efficacy one way or another?



Words In Motion

Mindfulness & yoga for parents of neurodivergent kids. Upcoming book: Atypical Kids, Mindful Parents. Subscribe to connect!