Words In Motion — Submission Guidelines (updated June 2024)

Please read them carefully

Tree Langdon
Words In Motion
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2020


page of a magazine with flowchart information in yellow
Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

At Words In Motion, we welcome your diverse views and writing styles.

We do hold our content to a high standard for your success and the enjoyment of our readers. Following these guidelines will ensure your article is ready to publish.

If you submit writing that doesn’t meet these guidelines, editors will send you a private note. They may remove your article from the publication while you make the changes. You may resubmit your story for consideration when you feel it is ready to publish.


Words In Motion accepts draft articles. Please submit only one article a day. We won’t accept multiple submissions.

Shorter stories are more readable. We may suggest you break longer submissions up into chapters.

We strongly recommend that you use Grammarly or a similar tool to edit and revise your article before you send it to us.

What to Submit

We welcome poetry, wordplay, and short stories from your life that have special meaning for you because of the angels or helpers you met along the way.



Tree Langdon
Words In Motion

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/