Reminder for a Monday morning

Charles Davies
The Calling
Published in
1 min readMar 5, 2018

Step down
into the river.
Step down.

I must remember
that I forget so easily.

The train of thoughts
stops at every station
looking for reasons
why I must do
what isn’t right.

Worry. Constraint. The
pressure of time. All
conspire to concoct an
inescapable slope
towards doing what is

As if it were a choice
Between the two:
unfulfilling avoidance
or tortured compliance.

This fictional division,
this inert indecision
serves nothing.

To begin
I must find
a moment
of quiet.

Monday morning.
I clear a little space.
And in this treasure
I see the gift
of the world as it is.

The wheel dissolves.
The temptation of distraction
softens into the pleasure of
being very much really oh so here.

Everything fits together.
No better place to start than here.
No better path to walk than this.
There is nothing else to do
but revel in the eddying torrents of life
inviting hearts to participation.

Drawn by the current
I put down all thoughts
of this and that and
like a swimmer
dip a toe and
at the vitalised delight
of getting in.

I step down
and I become
the river.


