In the Arms of Angels

Paul Maplesden
Words Nouveau
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2017


The power of the angelic metaphor.

Alice Popkorn

Angels appear in many different forms in mythologies around the world, and the idea of a divine messenger and protector is a powerful one.

Whether you believe in the existence of angels or not, they are certainly a powerful metaphor. They provide inspiration, grace and comfort; a soothing balm against the jagged edges of the world. It’s not surprising then that they hold an enduring appeal.

In the Arms of Angels — A Poem

My heartfelt cry across the dunes,
Of desert now, this shattered sand,
Yet flowed to silver by touch of moon,
Still brittle yes, beneath my hand.

And long I walk, this sweeping silence,
Wrapped here close, this cloak of night,
Devours formless fears of violence,
Called to memory, dawning light.

Your wings I seek, and with them here,
The embrace of one I know so well,
A balm against the bitter tears,
Of roughshod life’s need to dwell,

Within the formless heart of man,
The Angel now your own reprise,
A cooling breath upon my hand
And glad fire burning, within…



Paul Maplesden
Words Nouveau

Tea-drinking, hat-wearing, game-playing, science-loving, professional-writing, armchair philosopher.