Jouska: An Imaginary Conversation You Spontaneously Play out in Your Brain — English

On the pendulum of existence, swinging between the inner and outer universes

Gulsun Uluer
Words of the World


A wider and richer web of communication exists between people than meets the eye.

If speech is the outline of this network, then unvoiced communication is the capillaries that make up the whole channel. Glances, facial expressions and gestures, insinuations, and sometimes a mere posture. We send messages in every possible way.

The tendency toward “using voice” may differ.

If you are an extrovert, you naturally vocalize out your thoughts and feelings. It is what it is, plain and clear. But if you are an introvert, the silent dialogues beneath the surface are much richer, since the flow is much more unfiltered in the slippery inner world than outside. Inside the mind, feelings are unseen; they rush in hustle and bustle, passing from shape to shape, yet less often reaching conclusions.

As an introvert, I have been having a weird experience often: I talk inwardly to another person.

That person is not present with me at that moment — maybe never was — but I talk to them as if they were standing in front of me. Now, it’s a relief to learn this experience…

