In The Land Of Dreams

Magdalena Ciniewska
The Refugium for Words
3 min readMay 16, 2018

I don’t know anything about creating a new land, and yet I have created something in its shape. This is my Land Of Dreams. It is located in two different worlds. Visible and invisible. In the first, there is possible only what is the real and in the second, there is possible much more.

I dream in the real world, but my dreams belong more to the world that exists in my imagination. If I dream about something, it means that in the visible world not much has happened yet.

My work on the realization of dreams takes place both in the visible and invisible world. I build my land of dreams in two areas.

In the real world, I write, publish and create blogs. In the real world, I try to arrange reality in order to write. In the real world, I participate in courses, read books of authors that I want to imitate or who I admire. In the real world I use my reason as much as I can.

However, that’s not all. The realization of dreams depends on whether I am able to cross the border between the visible and invisible world.

I reach then into the world where reason is the subordinate of the heart. In this invisible world I care about my dreams using other means than just reason. I need tools such as prayer, faith and positive thoughts.

In this invisible world, I move without a compass or map. Nobody gave me the rules that prevailed in it. In this invisible world, heart means more than reason. More than reason means soul. More than reason means intuition. More than reason means faith. It is harder to base here on the experiences of others. Personal experience is invaluable.

We are born in the real world. But our dreams lead us to the invisible world.

However, every new land needs … CONSTITUTION.

Land Of Dreams needs its too. Here is a project. Very short.

Article I. The principle of common good.

My dreams are not just my private good. Their implementation, expressing my creative self affects not only me , but all who will be in mine community. Suppression of my creative self will not affect anyone well.
Therefore, I am obliged to counter individual or group attempts to take away my time, motivation, willingness and strength to realize dreams.

Article II. The principle of social justice.

If I give children and others the right to dream, then I can’t take that right away from me. I have to be just to myself too.

Article III. Rights and freedoms.

I have the inalienable right to dreams. I can’t lose this right unless I renounce it myself.
I can decide in my full freedom about choosing my dreams.
I have the right to protect my dreams from anyone who tries to pick them up.
I have the freedom to move around my Land Of Dreams, choose a temporary place of residence and ways to realize my dreams. I really don’t have to ask anyone for permission if the implementation my dreams in the real world doesn’t violate anyone’s dignity and acquired rights.

Article IV. Obligations.

I am obliged to protect my Land Of Dreams and provide good conditions for development and growth of my dreams.
My duty in the Land Of Dreams is to enjoy the freedom, to comply with the laws that I have set up, to bear the burdens and to defense against each invader.

Let’s take care of what’s best in us.

Let’s take care of our wonderful creative self, which has been deposited in us with the expectation and the certainty that we can use its potential for the benefit of ourselves and others.

Let’s take care of our Land Of Dreams.



Magdalena Ciniewska
The Refugium for Words

I write. I prefer to be considered insolent than never to try. I follow the words that call me. I live in Poland.