Defined to BE. Needing to BE.

What I learned in 2021. What I need in 2022.

Connie Mae Inglis
Words on the Wing
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2022



I could offer you a long list of things I learned in 2021 about publishing, about printing, about marketing, about what it takes to be an author. But, who wants to read someone else’s list? Am I right?

Don’t get me wrong. All those things were IMPORTANT! They were things I needed to learn. But, in the end, they weren’t the most important things. Because the most important things I learned in 2021 weren’t tangible.

Siretona Creative is a unique publisher for many (good) reasons. One of the things Colleen Taylor McCubbin offers is tests. Tests, you say? Yup. Two tests. But they’re not typical tests. The Kolbe Index test, for instance, measures “the instinctive ways you take action when you strive,” ( with measurements in four categories: Fact finder, Follow thru, Quick start, Implementor. The Working Genius test assesses your work strengths (what drives you) and weaknesses (what drains you).

These tests have helped me understand myself and the why and how I do things. And in learning the results of fellow authors under Colleen’s tutelage, it’s helped me understand them, and work together with them, as well.

I am grateful for these tests because I’ve become much more aware of who I am and who God has made me to be. They have given me more freedom to BE ME!

I’m reminded of one of my favourite verses in the Bible. Acts 17:28 (NIV): “For in him we live and move and have our BEing.” Learning about my intangible self, and who God wants me to be, has been and continues to be much more important than checking off a list of “to do”s.

But, these tests are NOT God! That’s the other thing I’ve learned and will need to continue learning in 2022. What do I mean by that? I mean that, though these tests help me understand myself and others, I cannot allow them to become a crutch — an excuse for doing this and not doing that. An excuse for not stretching as a person or pressing through something I find difficult.

I may find it easy to ideate but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t put my hand to the plow with my ideas. I may find it easy to do research, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t work at finding creative ways to use that research. I may not like accepting help from others, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be vulnerable and develop helping relationships. Because it’s in those weak areas that God shows up, shines through, and develops us into something new — a new, better BEing.

So, what do I need in 2022? I need to BE — to recognize and welcome all I learned about myself in 2021 and use it to become more of who God wants me to be, in all my roles.

In all honesty, 2021 has been a difficult year for many reasons. There’s much I’m still processing. My hope is that 2022 is better. Brighter. More hopeful.

And may I be ever watchful of Jesus showing up!

Connie Mae Inglis has lived life to the full with her family overseas as a Bible translator, literacy worker and teacher. She is passionate about serving minority language groups, being a grandma, and writing. You can find more of her writing, including information about her recent novel, Rewriting Adam, at

