The Frustration of Scheduling by Marcia Lee Laycock

Marcia Laycock
Words on the Wing
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2021



I have trouble with schedules. To be specific, I have trouble following a schedule. When I was a pastor’s wife it seemed my life was so full of interruptions it was impossible to keep to any kind of consistent schedule. And that was a continual source of frustration. This was particularly true in my writing career.

I would set up a writing calendar and then find that a lot of “life” would happened and the schedule would get tossed out the window. I’d sigh and just go with the flow for a while until I began to feel that I needed more structure to accomplish what I wanted to get done. Then I’d pull out the calendar and set up a schedule again. But the same thing always seemed to happen. I kept thinking that if I could only keep at it until the schedule became a routine, I’d be away to the races, to use a cliché.

I desperately wanted to stick to the schedule, but the only thing that became routine were the interruptions. My frustration level reached epic proportions at times.

So I prayed about it, asking God to help me find a solution.

As usually happens, He did provide insight that helped a lot, though my calendar remained full of items scratched out or moved to another slot.

But now I don’t let it get to me. What was the insight, you ask? It came on a day…



Marcia Laycock
Words on the Wing

Finding the extraordinary in an ordinary life. Pastor’s wife (newly retired), mom to 3 girIs. Also have 12 books available on Amazon.