Uniqueness Has No Rival

Marion Grace
Words on the Wing


The quest for uniqueness seems to be an obsession in today’s world. People are desperate to be seen, heard, and feel “special”. Some even go to such lengths as to invent a trait or alter themselves in some way. The sad thing is, it can be a facade to hide who they really are because they feel, or have been told, there is something wrong with them.

One of the beautiful things about being in Christ is knowing I was made and became who I am on purpose, and for a purpose. Who I am is a gift from God to be given back as a gift to Him.

Of all the definitions of the word unique, I love the particular description ‘ without rival’, as it describes who we are in the heart of Father God. We are each His unique creation and there is no competition with us for the love in His heart. There is no one he loves more.

I learned this about God when I was at my lowest point. I had been an angry, cynical, depressed, and blatantly disobedient woman for a long time. I felt that God had let me down and there was something about me that He just didn’t like. Can anyone relate? My inner mess got so bad it led to a stage four cancer diagnosis at which point everything in me changed. I did not want to die, so, even in the state I was in, I ran to God and asked Him to take me back. I repented of all those disobedient years and jumped back into His arms boldly and unashamedly.

Not only did He carry me, love me, strengthen me, and bring healing but he lifted me to a wonderful ministry of being a Christian author and speaker. He called me just the way I was, with all my personality flaws. I was amazed that He did not seem the least put off by my mess. In fact, some of those quirks made me a better and more relatable writer.

I am sure we have all felt a little inferior at times because we don’t seem to measure up to the image of the perfect Christian. You know what I mean, sweet saint so and so who always seems to be patient, kind, loving, and forgiving. They never ruffle anyone’s feathers, never appear disheveled, and always have time to volunteer with good Christian deeds. This is so not me. I struggle with patience and ooey-gooey love displays are foreign to me. Forgiveness — wow — what a faith struggle. I am more the bold, blunt, raw, bull in a china shop kind of person who is not afraid to say what needs to be said. I do not fit into the traditional mold but God uses me.

Through my difficult experiences, I became exactly what God needed to do what he has called me to do. My personality quirks and seeming flaws are exactly right for my unique ministry. I deal with a lot of hard issues and things that are often swept under the rug so I come under criticism sometimes. If I were the sweet or soft type I would not be able to effectively fulfill my calling.

I have learned to embrace who I am in all my ‘differentness’. I trust you will as well. What is your unique character trait that will set you apart from others and give you a voice? I challenge you to look at them and imagine how God could use that trait for his glory, even if you think it is a flaw, quirky, or outside the box. There is a segment of the population that will only relate to you in the experience and relatability you bring. You are an amazing masterpiece of the creator and a beautiful expression of some part of Him that the world needs to see.

Your personality and experiences will give you unique and valuable insights. Have you been scribbling your thoughts in a journal for years and dream of writing a book? Write it! Do you have a song? Sing it. Has your delving into God’s word to save your life brought you significant revelation? Preach it. Do not ever feel inferior because you are different. We are all just gloves of various sizes and shapes that God puts His hand in. Be bold, be courageous, and never forget that God is constantly rejoicing over you with singing.

Marion Grace is an author, speaker, and encourager. Her ministry focuses on the overcoming Christian life through the freedom in God’s outrageous love for us. Marion and her husband live in Nova Scotia Canada.



Marion Grace
Words on the Wing

Marion Grace is an author, speaker, and encourager. Her ministry focuses on the overcoming Christian life through the freedom in God's outrageous love for us.