“Use Your Words, Eli”

Marion Grace
Words on the Wing


I recently witnessed a very common situation between my daughter and two-year-old grandson that reminded me of something so profound I needed to write about it. Eli was throwing a temper tantrum - screaming, grunting, and crying in an attempt to get what he wanted. No one knew what was bothering him and the household was in disruption so Candice encouraged him as calmly as possible, “Eli, use your words”.

This is a subject very close to my heart because God has a lot to say about our words. I would say that next to the subject of money, our words and their power is the most discussed subject in God’s word. We all have heard the saying in elementary school, ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me’. I am here to tell you that this statement is one of the greatest lies ever to come out of the pit of hell. Words, in their negative use, are one of the most destructive forces on the planet, destroying lives and relationships in their wake. In the same way, their positive use is one of the most uplifting forces we have. Words are powerful! Words are a tool.

Words can bring comfort and edification. This is often one of the passions of writers as they share their ideas with the world. As a Christian writer this is my goal. I Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to comfort and edify one another, and Ephesians 4:14–16 tells us we can do that by speaking words in love. What an opportunity we have to obey this teaching of Jesus. So many people are suffering from a broken spirit by horrible words that have been spoken over them and taken to heart. We, as called and anointed writers can bring healing to many by sharing uplifting words of truth and encouragement. A year ago I was having a conversation with a co-worker and she shared a dream of hers to write in a genre called ‘Healing Fiction’. I am not aware of such a genre existing but perhaps it should. Perhaps this thought has caused a spark in you. Hmmm.

Words can teach, instruct, and bring light previously unknown. You may never know how you have touched, encouraged, and helped one of these hurting souls with the words you share from your heart. What if you bring a perspective they’ve never seen before? What if you helped change someone’s life? What if they went on to change the lives of many? Even if it is a few there is value. Thoughts like these keep me going when discouragement threatens.

Words are a powerful tool in our own lives as well. We can build up our faith by speaking out (or singing out in worship) God’s word. II Corinthians 4:13 says we should speak out what we believe. What better words to speak over a situation than the words of God? What better words to speak over our homes and family? I always want to find myself agreeing with Him.

Considering the example of my grandson above, I do wonder if God would say a similar thing. How often do we hear people, even Christians, murmuring, fretting, grumbling, whining, or bewailing over a situation? Let’s be honest and admit that sometimes we just fall into a complete hissy fit of doubt and unbelief. I can picture God saying gently to our spirits, “Use your words, my child”. God has told us to speak TO the mountain, not cry and complain to Him about it. The words we choose to say can set us free or if careless can keep us in trouble. The book of James calls the tongue an unruly evil that no man can tame. We cannot deny the truth of this but by constantly relying on the power of the Holy Spirit we can seek to change and improve this crucial part of our lives.

What will you choose to do with your words today? Will you bring life or destruction? Will you bring a blessing or a curse? What word seeds will be planted into your or another’s future? There are so many things on this earth we cannot control but the words we leave here are our choice. I pray you will build a legacy remembered for the love, joy, and peace deposited into the lives of those you touched.

Marion Grace is an author, speaker, and encourager. Her ministry focuses on the overcoming Christian life through the freedom in God’s outrageous love for us. Marion and her husband live in Nova Scotia Canada.



Marion Grace
Words on the Wing

Marion Grace is an author, speaker, and encourager. Her ministry focuses on the overcoming Christian life through the freedom in God's outrageous love for us.