A Quiet Night on the Bay

Lawson Wallace
Wordsmith Library
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020


Poetic prose telling a sinister story

Photo by Ernesto Reyes on Unsplash

The pilot flew the twin engine plane in the darkness without lights, he

was ten minutes away from his landing spot at a local farm. He was

two trips away from becoming a millionaire and he was looking

forward to retirement. He was thinking about umbrella drinks and bikinis

when both engines sputtered and caught fire.

The pilot took out his cellphone and called the crew leader at the

rendezvous point. It was the last call he made as the plane crashed

into the bay.

The next night, Joey stood by the starboard rail of a stolen cabin

cruiser as Rico searched for the wreck of the plane with its bricks

of heroin and cocaine.

After a wait that seemed to take forever, the bubbles from Rico’s

scuba gear appeared by the boat. “ about damned time.” Joey

muttered, as Rico threw the plastic wrapped bricks onto the boat.

Rico had gone over the side with a net to carry the bricks to the

surface if he found them, the net was full, but he had a few more



Lawson Wallace
Wordsmith Library

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.