City seas

A poem about a city transformed by night

Ashlea Morgan, PhD
Wordsmith Library


Photo by Davide Sibilio on Unsplash

During the wee hours,

Passing cars sound like

Waves crashing against

The beach. The early

Birds chirping are

gulls ready for their

first meals. A buoy

clangs and a distant

Faint ambulance siren

Becomes a tugboat

Declaring “I’m here”.

A tractor-trailer is, but a

Large vessel full of

Cargo from afar. Two

Close by voices belong

To a couple strolling

By audibly enjoying the

cloudless, starry night

They must know that

sand and salty air will

Help them sleep tonight.

My window wide open

Brings in the sounds of

A city still wide awake

Photo by Anthony Rosset on Unsplash



Ashlea Morgan, PhD
Wordsmith Library

I‘m a medical writer ✍🏿 & neurobiology Ph.D. 🧠 who studied how we think & behave flexibly. Grateful 🙏🏿 for family, friends, & food ❤️.