Reptilian Features

A short story where there is more than meets the eye…

R P Gibson
Wordsmith Library


Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw on Unsplash

Jonny was asked to make an effort by his mother, but there was no mistaking he had come against his will.

“It’ll do you the world of good being around people, socialising,” she said. “Just try to relax and have a good time.”

And that was that. He didn’t argue, although there was no question he would have a terrible time.

It was Jonny’s second-cousin’s 9th birthday, and the entire house had been decked with streamers, banners, and screaming children. Dozens of children charged around the room wearing all manner of costume, quite caught up with the excitement. The birthday girl herself was a fairy, and clutched a deadly wand which she used at several points to bludgeon other children.

Left alone by his mother to mingle, Jonny quickly grew bored and sat in a corner by himself. His mother joined the other mothers in the kitchen, keeping half an eye on her son at all times. She gave the impression of someone trying to be carefree and relaxed but actually being the exact opposite. Nearly every parent there asked her how Jonny was doing, and the response was always a simple, not altogether true, “he’s getting there”. The other parents looking on saw this thin, miserable, deathly pale teenager, dark circles under his eyes and…



R P Gibson
Wordsmith Library

Freelance writer of history and humour. Sometimes other stuff. I’ll never use a semicolon and you can’t make me. Click this: