Simply Curious

Dan Gellert
Wordsmith Library
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2020


Shepard Fairey
Shepard Fairey

A British baby wonders, where does water come from?
All her short life water shows up.
She drinks, bathes, cools, and plays in it.
Plus, a critical ingredient of her beloved tea.

Eventually, she learns water surrounds the land.
In disbelief, she sets out to see for herself.
Travelling to the land’s edge and seeing her loved water,
she starts walking along the coast.

Figuring, if water really surrounds her land,
returning to this spot will be inevitable.
And so, her education began.
With water in her view and a constant companion, it sustained her.

She splashed in it, laughing and crying, and ate from it.
Water consumed her thoughts as a friend or lover could.
She started learning its properties and cycles, strengths and desires.
Mimicking water, she became fluid in her thinking,

Fiercely observing what she experienced and saw,
she started sharing her excitement for water with others.
Arriving at a university town, a professor overheard her expounding about her life’s companion.
It was revealed that her awareness of waves and their effect…



Dan Gellert
Wordsmith Library

Trying to write what I see, usually with a poem. By day I mix audio. Most other hours I husband and father. Then I write…