Unsafe place

The stinging fingers of memory curl into me

Richard Koman
Wordsmith Library


Photo by mattia barbotti on Unsplash

The closet you took me into … the school I sat in … the office you called me to … the door you unlocked … the closet filled with basketballs and gymnastics mats and weights … the ping pong table folded up you leaned me into … the look in your eyes and the confusion swirling … your cloying broad lips and the closely shaved whiskers and the way your tie knotted .. and the gold watch on your wrist that reached out for me … and touched me … the way my body was a board against the table … against you .. the way you didn’t care … considering the lock and the knob on the closet door … the smallness of my position and the smell of your breath … my unwilling response and your breath .. the basketballs and volleyballs and the … long, hard baseball bat … batting helmets … your breath faster and me breathing not at all … and the pause, collapse, the door opening, light on the other side and my feet running out … and knowing that there is no running from you ever.

