What You Learn By Not Caring

Christine Inbetween
Wordsmith Library
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2020

Sometimes the most powerful choice is choosing to do nothing at all.

When you don’t care, you are free.

When you don’t care, anything is possible.

When you don’t care, you don’t waste time.

When you don’t care, you learn what really matters to you.

When you don’t care, you achieve an amazing peace and calm.

When you don’t care, nothing can hurt or bother you.

When you don’t care, walking away is incredibly easy.

When you don’t care, a smile becomes your permanent accessory.

When you don’t care, your life is laid out in an easy to follow path you can’t be distracted from.

When you don’t care, you will lose people who no longer understand you.

When you don’t care, you can easily let those people go.

When you don’t care, you find yourself taking leaps instead of steps.

When you don’t care, you unleash an incredible power.

When you don’t care, you lose interest in arguing your position.

When you don’t care, you accept that there are differences in others which aren’t your job to change.

When you don’t care, you stop picking at your perceived flaws.

When you don’t care, you stop insulting yourself.

When you don’t care, you won’t feel guilt after standing up for yourself.

When you don’t care, you won’t hesitate to do what your heart tell you is the right thing.

When you don’t care, the only opinion at the end of the day that matters is your opinion on the way you carried yourself.

When you don’t care, someone else’s negativity is just background noise.

When you don’t care, focus is a second nature.

When you don’t care, you still notice the attention of others though that attention isn’t the way you define yourself.

When you don’t care, you realize that respect tastes far more sweet than attention or desire.



Christine Inbetween
Wordsmith Library

Learning how to shift my ever changing thoughts into coherant words.