The Wordvice Customer Promise: Your Professional Success is Our Personal Goal

Andrew Kim
The Wordvice Workshop
5 min readSep 7, 2020

At Wordvice, we look beyond the page and get to know our customer’s goals

Welcome to The Wordvice Workshop.

In the Workshop, you’ll learn about Wordvice’s philosophy towards customers, editing, and customer success. You’ll get to know why we view ourselves as guides, not just editors, in your creative process. Hopefully, you’ll come away with a sense of the possibilities we strive to unlock for our customers every day.

How does Wordvice help customers achieve success?

Should successful writing evoke a sense of wonder? Should it jump off the page every time? Perhaps your college admissions essay should take the reader on a memorable journey? Or maybe your dissertation or research article must challenge the reader’s intellectual assumptions?

These all sound great, of course. But our years of experience as editors have taught us that it’s a mistake to cram customers — and their goals — into convenient little boxes.

At Wordvice, we have a customer-focused view of what successful writing is. We recognize that our customers aren’t writing just to write. They have professional, educational, and personal goals in mind.

To put it simply, writing is a means to an end. It’s your ticket to admission to your dream college, it’s your first published research article, it’s your cover letter to a post-doc position or professorship. It’s your life’s milestones.

Growing your success is our goal

We focus on your goals

Whether you’re a high school student applying to college for the first time or a professional researcher with numerous publications under your belt, the goal is the same: Success. Achieving that goal.

And that means being pragmatic, practical, and realistic. It means being laser-focused on the goal at hand. It means taking the time and effort to get to know our customers as well as their goals, tools, preferences, and personal voice. It also means helping with the things you’re not good at and doing away with anything you don’t need.

Hitting your goal is what we aim for

So whether you’re an undergraduate, graduate, post-doc, professor, researcher, or job seeker, we got you covered. How is that possible? Because we are those as well!

Our editors are have published research in flagship SCI/SSCI journals and a wide range of others with high journal index ratings in Scopus and Web of Science. Most editors are BELS-certified and/or have professional experience as lab researchers, copy editors, linguists, professors, and related occupations.

I think this sums it up nicely:

“Helping authors achieve their goals is not just what we do, it’s the only thing we do.”

— Kevin Heintz, Managing Editor, Wordvice

Only home-cooked — No drive-thru

Each article or essay you write is a milestone. It will be read, analyzed, and scrutinized. And believe me when I say that whoever reads your writing will be looking for any excuse to throw it in the reject pile. Don’t let that happen!

The Wordvice pen is mightier than the rejection letter

This is where Wordvice comes in. We value the customer and tailor the editing experience to fit their needs. At Wordvice, we take pride in customizing our editing style to fit the customer’s voice while keeping it in line with your goals. We don’t offer cookie-cutter editing or consultations.

For example, we know that personal experience is important in college admissions essays, so we make sure students know this. On the other hand, being technical and concise is required in research writing; we give our academic customers an extra sense of eyes to keep them on :

I needed an editor with a background in engineering as my dissertation is on automotive systems. True to their description, Wordvice matches you with a suitable editor who not only proofreads for grammar, spelling, and punctuation but also for content. I was able to submit a stronger and well-developed dissertation thanks to Wordvice. — (Hue Feb-15–2016)

If you take the time to look at our academic and admissions success stories, you’ll see a lot more stories of Wordvice’s customer focus.

I have successfully submitted manuscripts to top SCI journals with the help of Wordvice. First, I was pleased that Wordvice could match me with an editor who specializes in the field of study. I have used many different editing services but the WORDVICE editors are the most professional editors with subject expertise. Even though my subject is highly technical, the editor was able to provide professional advice. — (Jun Chen H, Georgia Institute of Technology)

Keep it professional but make it personal

The last part of our customer philosophy is our commitment to being professional and personal.

We specialize in highly competitive areas: academics, admissions, and business. These fields require very professional and technical writing capability. Yet, educational institutions, research journals, and companies receive hundreds to thousands of submissions every day.

At Wordvice, we recognize the real you behind the screen. That’s why we have developed our system for customers to directly communicate with their editors:

I had several proofreading services edit my MBA application essay because I was concerned with my writing. Wordvice was the service that provided me with the most detailed comments on how to improve my essay. I could also communicate with my editor throughout the editing process via the messaging system, which was especially helpful in clarifying what I wanted from the editor. Thank you so much! — Robert (Trustpilot)

Your goal is personal and important. That’s the sense of empathy that we have for each of our customers. In return, our customers loyal.

Our editors recognize the real you behind the screen

Your next piece of writing is likely the most important one of your life. It’s the next gateway on your load road of success. So why leave it to chance?

At Wordvice, we take pride in making your professional success = our personal goal. It’s how we achieve our own goals as editors. So if you’re interested, come check out what we have to say on academic writing if you’re a researcher or admissions essays if you’re a student.

If you’re a qualified editor and interested in joining our customer-centric team, feel free to contact us on our careers page.

Note: All images courtesy of



Andrew Kim
The Wordvice Workshop

Andrew currently lives in Seoul, Korea. He works as a freelancer for Wordvice Editing Service and writes about science, expat life in Korea, and culture.