
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2020

By Srinidhee Sastry

In Srinidhee’s world created during the fantasy fiction workshop, magic is banned and, yet, something from the outside arrives to challenge the queen, Corvo Donna.

The people of Forza have found solace living in a world without magic. They believe now that the real magic lies in happiness and love. Therefore, all the witches, wizards and elves meet every week at the beautiful castle on the hill and dance cheerfully. The reason for the hate against the use of magic is the disastrous creature that threatened to destroy all of Forza if people continued using their magical powers. This prophecy was discovered by the queen of the land — Corvo Donna — who promised to keep her land safe. She found this prophecy one dark night, when the creature entered her room and woke her from her slumber. She promised to save her land and not use her magical abilities. Magic was forever banned. It is true that Forzanians now believe that true magic lies in love and happiness.

“I am here to tell you all that I have been through. I was once a land known for its magical abilities. Every creature living in my world was, in my opinion, a magical scholar. Potions were discussed and debated over, spells were conducted on the street as life was full of magic. There would be rivers of colours, one day orange, then green, then pink. There would be waterfalls of music, harmoniously flowing against the large rocky mountains. The grass could move and play. The clouds would descend to rest for a while as they were tired from soaring up above. Forza was at its peak, and by that I mean strength was at its peak. Every human was strengthened in their own way. But our lives changed one dark night. Now hope is our only saviour.” — Forza

We see the old man sitting next to a beautiful river. The sky looks blue and the river gushes against the chilly stones and pebbles. The trees around are swaying and we can see a mountain in the distance. It has a huge castle mounted at its peak. Suddenly, the birds stop chirping, the air remains still, the old man knows she’s coming.

He drinks from the river, as a crow flies towards him and lands right next to him.

“Oh Donna! What a surprise! What brings you here?” says Alchemia, the old man.

Donna sighs as she turns into her human self.

“You look as bright as ever. Is that a new cape you’re wearing? How are the flowers doing? Hey Margaret, Hey Rose!”

“Why do you constantly need to be reminded about not using your magical powers?” she says, unimpressed by the fake pleasantries of the man.

“The tree needed life, like I do. I need my magic, Donna. I beg you to reconsider. My life exists because of my magic. This isn’t even a little fair.”

“I have no choice, Alchemia, this is what you deserve for your actions. I cannot stay long, I must take your leave. But just know, if you use your magical powers, IT will know. And we don’t want that.”

Srinidhee Shastry is a 17-year-old from Mumbai pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Applied Statistics and Mathematics. She loves writing, and is looking to explore this space.

