
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2020

By Aditi Priya

Aditi’s world has layers and layers of magic created during the fantasy fiction workshop for young adults, with characters moving through seamlessly. We present a glimpse of her world and a song she wrote and sang during the workshop!

I am Galelila, the seer and knower of all. My creation came to be when one of the singing stars stopped singing. There was a big explosion and the star gave birth to me. The River is what makes my world magical; she is a pleasant acquaintance to talk to. The River was formed as there was a magical liquid in the star and it started flowing on to the surface. Without a doubt, The River was the oldest, as she had been in the star before my creation.

She was wise and thought if she flowed through each land in her original form it would give each land too much power. So she changed into different forms so that each land would need each other to survive. There has been peace upon my land until now…

Nirvana is peace filled calm

This world contains the mystery

Of space and fire together

Which when combined strengthens you

The mist was dense and heavy. I could feel the water vapour condensing into water droplets as I made my way through it. At the centre, the mist cleared and there was a huge tree. It looked as though it was dead but there were shiny jewels growing from it. It had a hollow trunk and was pretty much like any other dead tree except for the jewels. Initially, I looked at the tree with fear, but later on I realised it must be another magical tree. The thought of it growing between Ciara (the land of Cooks) and Lygard (the land of Smiths) was certainly mind-boggling. I thought to myself that every being needs water to survive, so I took out water from the magical basket I had been given, which always had an endless supply of food and drink, and gave the tree some. I also always had my magical flower with me whose scent would make anyone do anything. Those two were a necessity for me; I would never leave home without those two.

The golden leaves flutter in the wind,

as the tree grows in a majestic golden light.

The blue castle within the dark forest,

has many dark hidden secrets.

The cold air in the forest is freezing,

but there is a light coming from the cave.

The deep blue murky depths of the ocean,

were drawing me in.

With her dying breath,

the angel said to me

“Live on” as she burst into flames.

Aditi Priya is 14 years old and based in Pune, India.

