Give your writing some credit and save up to 15%
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2010

Based on a lot of feedback, we are changing our monthly subscription model to pay-as-you-go credits:

  • Credits last one full year
  • Credits save you up to 15% on every order
  • Credits come in different packages
  • Credits can be topped off with one click when you need to

Why credits? Because, like most people, you probably have pretty irregular needs for copy-editing and you’re not all that keen on seeing your account reset every month. Now you won’t. Simply go to:

Wordy editors are constantly outdoing themselves, which means pick-up times are now consistently under 3 minutes (and in many cases under 1 minute) while the turn-around time for 400 words is 20–33 minutes.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wordy.


Editor for

Real-time, human, copy-editing and proofreading.