How to bring value to your team

Sarah Rawlings
Work Awesome Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2020


Do you believe it? If so, how do you propel your team forward? By making it easy for them with these seven tips.

Be timely.

Some projects have a deadline. If your manager needs something done by a certain time, get it done. If the deadline is unrealistic, be honest and let your manager know why it can’t be done and when it is going to be.

Communication is key.

No matter what position you are in, the ability to communicate amongst your colleagues is essential. Having an open line of communication will allow the work to get done efficiently and effectively.

Be supportive.

You are there to make your manager’s workload lighter. Offer to take on a solo project so your manager can work on something bigger. If you see your colleague struggling with a task, ask how you can help. An offer like this goes a long way and if you offer to help now, they will be more inclined to help you when you need it.

Be a problem-solver.

There will always be problems in need of a solution. Next time you hear of an issue, step up and research three different ways you can fix it. Taking this initiative will show your boss that you are a problem solver and they will look to you for solutions when issues arise in the future.

Become an expert in a task or program.

There are many programs out there that are common amongst the workplace like SharePoint, Adobe Creative Suite, Excel, etc. Become an expert in a program your team uses often and you’ll become their go-to person. By adding value to yourself, you can add value to your team.

Be there.

It seems simple and it is. You can’t bring value to your team if you don’t show up for them. This means going into work every day with a ready to work attitude.

Know yourself.

By understanding yourself and how you work best, you’ll be able to accomplish your best work. Consider taking an online self-assessment to best understand the environment that allows you to thrive and how you do your best work. Knowing this, you can set yourself up for success.

If you want a promotion, a raise, or the lead on a new project then adding value to your team is the best place to start. Employees who are known to bring value to their team are often first in line for a promotion, put on special projects, and have access to more opportunities.

Check out this episode of the Work Awesome Podcast — How to Bring Value to Your Team!

