[Announce] Enterprise Sales Guide: COVID-19 Edition

Jessica Lin
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2020

Every enterprise startup we’ve spoken to during the COVID-19 outbreak has asked the same question:

“How do we think about enterprise sales during this time?”

To help tackle this, we at Work-Bench have pulled together the top resources, guides, tactics, and articles that we’ve seen around enterprise sales during both the COVID-19 and previous downturns — from enterprise founders, sales leaders, our Fortune 500 network, and fellow investors.

While there is no precedent for what we’re facing today, our hope is that some of these guides can serve as a starting point for enterprise companies and sales teams to navigate different sales strategies to weather this challenging time.

See below for our Enterprise Sales Guide: COVID-19 Edition.

Are there additional guides and resources around enterprise sales during COVID-19 that should be included? Email us to share.

Check out our Enterprise Playbooks at Work-Bench for our other guides to Enterprise Sales, featuring Customer Evaluation Docs, Sales Process Stages, 75 Must-Ask Interview Questions for a VP of Sales Candidate, and more.



Jessica Lin

co-founder & VC @Work_Bench | GED educator | rethinking work