Enterprise Playbook: Buying From Startups During COVID-19

Published in
Aug 11, 2020

The COVID-19 economy has not changed the potential rewards of buying software from startups. However, the increased risks faced by startups require corporate buyers to more carefully weigh risk and reward.

In this Enterprise Playbook, Dror Futter, long-time Work-Bench community member and startup lawyer, addresses how corporates should approach buying from startups during COVID-19, including how to rate supplier criticality, and best handle supplier diligence, contractual protection and flexibility, and contingency planning.

See below for the full Enterprise Playbook on the Buying from Startups During COVID-19 or download here.

For more tactical guides, check out our Enterprise Playbook Series, which provides founders with the tactical knowledge needed to successfully go-to-market and build a world-class enterprise software company.




Work-Bench is an enterprise technology VC fund in NYC. We support early go-to-market enterprise startups with community, workspace, and corporate engagement.