Enterprise Software Outlook: Trends During COVID-19 & Beyond

Kira Colburn
Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2020

Our latest “Enterprise Software Outlook: Trends During COVID-19 & Beyond” Report dives into the top enterprise trends and data to best understand how the enterprise software ecosystem is faring during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

See the full report 👉 here 👈

We found that the broader enterprise software market has experienced tailwinds from COVID-19, and the resulting acceleration of digital transformation in the Fortune 500 positions the industry for long-term growth.

Read the full report to learn:

  • History: Which enterprise companies were started during the Dot Com Bust and Great Recession?
  • VC Funding: Which tech sector snagged 40% of deal volume in Q1 and Q2 2020?
  • Public Markets: How are public enterprise companies performing?
  • Customer Sentiment: Where are customers shifting their IT budgets?
  • Sector Trends: Which 3 enterprise sectors are experiencing tailwinds?

We’re excited to see what’s next for enterprise software and to continue supporting the ecosystem throughout COVID-19. If you’re an early stage enterprise software startup looking for funding, resources, or to engage in our enterprise ecosystem, please reach out and sign up for our Enterprise Weekly Newsletter below for our weekly Friday digest of enterprise tech news.



Kira Colburn

Head of Content at Work-Bench, leading the firm’s content vision, strategy, and production!