Values in the Workplace

Why values in the workplace are important.

Steve D. Harrison
Work Engagement and Leadership


Greetings Friends,

The following video shows an employee who does not feel valued by her manager. Not understanding what the employees value leads to losing top talent.

Managers, Do Your People Feel Valued?

If you are a manager of a business, making people feel valued should be at the center of your organizational strategy. Why? Because employees are more engaged when they believe their business honors their values. So, what are values? Values are beliefs that employees hold to be true such as appreciation, compassion, respect, and fairness. Failing to value employees is costly for both the firm and could lead to lower levels of productivity, higher rates of absenteeism, errors on the job, anger, frustration, and increases the likelihood of job turnover.

The Gospel

The good news is that making employees feel valued increases their level of engagement, which in turn increases their level of creativity, commitment, and productivity. Moreover, making employees feel valued will help the organization gain a competitive advantage. If you are a business leader, the following are some cost-effective strategies to show your employees that you value them:

1. Get to know your people on a personal level. Get to know your employees by taking the time out in your busy schedule to learn more about them by asking them what they enjoy outside of work. You may be surprised that you and your associates have the same interest such as television sitcoms, sports, books, philosophies, and other after work activities.

2. Show compassion during your employees’ difficult times. Situations will arise in your employees’ personal life that may keep them out of work. Managers can show empathy by providing their employees with emotional support. This support may include, but not limited to, phone calls, text messages, e-mails, or personal visits to understand your employees’ needs.

3. Actively listen to your employees. Effective managers should be willing to listen to your employees’ ideas, cares, and concerns. Actively listening and acting on your employees may help your organization improve its operations.

4. Let your employees know that you truly appreciate them. Managers are very busy and may have their minds on meeting the budget instead of encouraging their employees. Managers should take a few minutes per day to pour into their employees by letting them know how their contributions are valuable to the company. It may be impossible to do this for each employee every day. However, managers could pour into four to five employees per day.

5. Be Fair. Employees are always watching how their managers treat themselves and co-worker. Managers should not have favorites or take advantage of others. Managers should always remember the golden rule, “Treat others as you would like to be treated.”

I hope that you enjoyed this discussion. Please post any ideas to this discussion that would help employees feel valued by their managers.



Steve D. Harrison
Work Engagement and Leadership

Researcher, Writer, and Defender of the C.O.U.R.T.E.O.U.S Work Environment. Let us all get along!