What do Gen Z want from an employer?

Beth Rose
Work For Dorset
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2023

The world of work is changing. With huge technological advancements like AI, combined with a post-pandemic culture of flexibility and a renewed sense of purpose, many of us are re-evaluating what it is that we want and need in an employer. As the workplace evolves, we turn to a demographic who are determined, focused and ready to make their mark — Gen Z.

As the second youngest generation, the Gen-Z demographic is shaping the future of the workplace. As ‘digital natives’ born into a digital world, they are equipped with future focused mindsets, ready to challenge and progress our ways of working.

We spoke to our Gen-Z colleagues to find out what it is they want, appreciate and value in an employer, and why they have chosen Dorset Council to grow their careers.

Career Coaching and Mentorship 🎢

‘Clear career progression paths & set goals for self-development.’

Gen Z is keen on continuous learning and professional development. They appreciate employers who provide robust career coaching and mentorship programs. These initiatives not only help them navigate their career paths but also foster a sense of belonging within the organisation. A workplace that invests in its employees’ growth is likely to attract and retain Gen Z talent.

Positive Team Culture 😊

‘I look for a good ethos, flexible hours where possible, and a friendly team — the people make the workplace for me.’

For Gen Z, a positive team culture is more than just a buzzword. They seek a workplace where collaboration is encouraged, and their contributions are valued. A supportive team culture not only enhances job satisfaction but also contributes to creativity and innovation. Employers that prioritise team-building activities, open communication, and a sense of camaraderie are more likely to resonate with Gen Z employees.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion 👩🏾‍🤝‍👩🏻

‘Disability confident and strong equality values.’

Gen Z is committed to social justice and seeks employers who share these values. Companies that prioritize diversity in hiring, promote equal opportunities, and address discrimination are more likely to attract and retain Gen Z talent. Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility and sustainability aligns with this generation’s values.

Flexible Working 🕒

‘The flexitime, working from home option and the one team environment at DC is what made me stay.’

The events of the past few years have accelerated the acceptance of remote work, and Gen Z has embraced this shift. Flexibility in work arrangements, including remote work options, flexible hours, and the ability to balance work and personal life, is highly valued by Gen Z. Employers who offer flexibility in their policies demonstrate an understanding of the changing nature of work and are likely to be more attractive to this generation.

Fair Salary 💸

‘I’m an apprentice at the moment. I was massively surprised not be on the apprentice wage. DC must be one of the few companies that pays apprentices a proper salary.’

While values and workplace culture matter, Gen Z also values fair compensation. They seek employers offering competitive salaries and transparent structures. Employers openly communicating about salary ranges, providing performance-based incentives, and regularly reviewing pay structures gain the trust and commitment of Gen Z workers.


Understanding and meeting the needs of Gen Z in the workplace isn’t about keeping up with trends; it’s about building a resilient and dynamic workforce. By incorporating career coaching, fostering a positive team culture, championing equality and diversity, embracing flexibility, and offering fair compensation, employers can create an environment that appeals to and retains the next generation of talent.

As the workplace continues to evolve, adapting to the expectations of Gen Z is not just a strategic move but a necessity for long-term success 🚀

How do you measure up when it comes to meeting the needs of Gen Z in the workplace?

