Why I’m Never Eating Lunch at My Desk Again

Annalisa van den Bergh
Work From Bike
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018
The finale of my second bike ride across America | Photo by Mark Roland

In October of 2014, after my father and I spent countless days in the ICU where my dear mother lay in and out of consciousness, two resident doctors ushered us into a conference room. The lights wouldn’t turn on so we took a seat in the pitch dark. As we sat there shivering, we were told that my mother’s organs were shutting down and soon after had to make an impossible decision.

I know — harsh way to start an about section. But my point is that trauma makes you rethink everything.

A plethora of PTSD flashbacks and a layoff later, I decided to take advantage of my own health and spend the summer of 2017 biking across America for a second time mostly along Adventure Cycling’s TransAmerica Trail. The trip reignited my love for bike travel and my aversion to full-time desk jobs. It was also the most cathartic way I could have honored my mother. The absolute liberation of bicycle touring — a way of travel I first discovered when my mom signed me up for a bike trip with Teen Treks in 2006 — gives me too much joy not to find a way to cycle as much as possible.

So, I’ve merged my design practice with my passion for bike travel and created WFB (Work From Bike), a blog and visual storytelling studio on wheels. The name WFB is a play off of the common abbreviation WFH (work from home). After my mom died, sitting still for so long — especially at home — drove me absolutely crazy. WFB is an ode to the notion that traveling does wonders for one’s work and soul.

WFB allows me to split my time between designing, writing, and pedaling. I’m documenting it all here, on the Work From Bike Blog, where I’ll be telling stories from the saddle.

Why? Because I come up with my best ideas when I’m moving. Because there’s nothing like the inspiration of changing horizons. And because I want to live in the good old days.

