Affiliate Marketing With Free Bridge Pages!

Affiliate Marketing For Clickbank And Warrior Plus Beginners!

Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)


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clickbank affiliate marketing and warrior plus sales
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What you will learn from this article.

With Clickbank and Warrior Plus you need bridge pages.

Affiliate marketing and content marketing strategies.

Affiliate marketing bridge pages for Clickbank.

Warrior Plus affiliate marketing bridge pages.

Clickbank affiliate marketing and Warrior Plus Summary.

With Clickbank and Warrior Plus you need bridge pages.

Affiliate marketing with Clickbank and Warrior Plus can often be a lot more challenging than suggested. Because there is a whole lot more about affiliate marketing than just flooding every random platform with affiliate links.

You need what we call “bridge pages”, “landing pages”, or “online shops” for instance, but the options are endless. The point is to have an indexable URL that redirects to the affiliate offer — AKA — Bridge Page.

But you also need content marketing strategies to drive traffic to those “bridge pages”. Now bridge pages for affiliate marketing with Clickbank and Warrior Plus can be created in two ways.

Or shall I say, my 2 personal favourites? Both these bridge page options also work with Google ads and Google video ads because these are indexable URLs that are accepted by search engines.

Canva One Page Websites.

Google Sites With Google Drive.

Once you worked through the product research, established a common need, and targeted a GEO-located audience based on interests. Then the real work starts, creating bridge pages.

This is where I think everyone “gets it wrong” when getting started with affiliate marketing. I know I did. All those videos show you how “easy” it is to simply enter your raw affiliate link and generate sales. Yeah, right!

Many of those videos are just in it for the “views”, not the “value”, because the videos are most probably already monetized. Meaning, the creator gets paid by YouTube either way.

All I’m saying is, be careful what and who you believe and fall for! Not everyone is out to help you, many are just out to help themselves, sadly. I can tell you that sharing raw affiliate links anywhere for that matter might not be such a good idea.

Many sites, major sites do not take kindly to that and it is often seen as spam. Please do not go down that route. It will only end in a waste of time, disappointment and failure. You need bridge pages, period.

Affiliate marketing and content marketing strategies.

First, you must understand what a content marketing strategy is. And to put it in a sentence. “It is a journey you take your visitor on, from one step to the next…”.

Maintaining curiosity, and even creating excitement. Your content must be of such a nature that when they eventually end up at the affiliate offer, a credit card is already at hand.

Basically, different content marketing strategies serve different purposes. However, I have already done several Medium stories about many different content marketing strategies for affiliate marketing.

In order to generate sales and earn affiliate commissions with Clickbank and Warrior Plus, you must have several different content marketing strategies in place, performing tasks like.

Gaining Subscribers.

Attracting Readers.

Driving Buyer Traffic.

Increasing Followers.

Successful affiliate marketing with Clickbank and Warrior Plus comes down to building your own audiences. Or, if you have experience, combine that with paid ads.

But if you are completely new to affiliate marketing, perhaps just hang on with the paid ads for now. Learn to drive free traffic first, and you will understand paid ads a lot better.

I do however have a solution for complete beginners, and even those with some time done with affiliate marketing. Ready-made affiliate campaigns specifically designed for Clickbank and Warrior Plus.

But we will get to those next. Are you ready? And just in case you are wondering, yes I do use both these tools and have seen sales with even just the free built-in traffic options. And it is super simple to get started.

Affiliate marketing bridge pages for Clickbank.

Now both these options with ready-made affiliate campaigns (bridge pages) are automatically linked with the particular affiliate network. Therefore the sales generated through these campaigns will show in your earnings.

In this post, I will be providing you with some of the tools I personally use. Once set up, you can really leave them to run on autopilot. Because it also comes with built-in quality traffic.

No, not the traffic packages, I despise those. The creators of these affiliate campaigns have been online for decades, and they have already built up their own large audiences. But you can choose to use the built-in traffic options manually for free.

Because these campaign URLs are accepted on all major social platforms. Because they are not direct affiliate links, they are campaign websites, bridge pages, like a middleman.

Or, you can choose to have them run on autopilot at a certain time, with the pro upgrade available. Especially when you target a specific GEO location. Obviously, you will receive a lot more exposure with the pro option.

One such site is called One Page Profits where you have multiple affiliate campaigns linked to Clickbank. All the top Clickbank products are included in multiple niches.

You can access “One Page Profits” (affiliate link) specifically designed for Clickbank affiliate offers. Where you simply choose the products, you would like to promote, and the software then builds your affiliate campaign.

Warrior Plus affiliate marketing bridge pages.

Warrior Plus, however, is a bit “trickier”. With Clickbank, there are hardly any requirements to join, just about anyone can create an account with Clickbank as an affiliate.

With Warrior Plus though, you need to apply for each affiliate product you wish to promote. But, this particular option that creates automated affiliate campaigns for Warrior Plus allows you to contact the vendor from inside the program.

In fact, you get 40 affiliate campaigns with the top Warrior Plus products in multiple niches. You can access “Clone Me” (affiliate link) specifically designed for Warrior Plus affiliate offers.

With Warrior Plus, many vendors will require you to provide the means by which you will be promoting their products. With Clickbank, this is not a requirement because very few vendors require you to apply first.

Therefore, having your own websites, blogs, groups, pages, and communities will help with the approval process in Warrior Plus. If you are a complete beginner and don’t have all these sites and audiences yet, I strongly suggest getting started with Clickbank.

These affiliate campaigns also come with built-in traffic, which can be used 100% free. Or, as with the Clickbank option, there is a pro version to upgrade to and boost your exposure to these affiliate campaigns to generate sales.

Clickbank affiliate marketing and Warrior Plus summary.

Bridge pages are what you need to generate sales and earn commissions with Clickbank and Warrior Plus. Or in this case, and for the purpose of this demonstration, ready-made affiliate campaigns.

From inside both of these memberships are presented in this article. Which are affiliate products, but also products or rather membership sites I am personally using. I am a member of both.

And no, they did not make me the next dot com millionaire because they are content marketing strategies, not magic wands. It will still require a bit of work from your side, depending on the options you choose.

But these two affiliate marketing tools Clickbank and Warrior Plus are an excellent starting point for beginners and upcoming affiliate marketers alike. Both are also Warrior Plus affiliate products.

So, your takeaway tools are. “One Page Profits” for affiliate campaigns integrated with Clickbank. And “Clone Me” for 40 affiliate campaigns linked with Warrior Plus affiliate products.

Both with built-in traffic and sharing options including all major social networks and networking sites. But please be moderate, and plan when and to whom you share your affiliate campaigns.

If you maintain moderate consistency, then these tools will work for you. Consistent traffic, no matter how slow, eventually ends in sales. If you expect to make $10,000 tomorrow, then they might not be what you’re looking for.

Like anything else, you have to pay attention, use these tools correctly and don’t forget about the 2 most important ingredients of online sales. Consistency and time.

Do you know the best thing about this traffic? I don’t spend a single penny to get it. I spend about 1–2 hours per week tweaking things. I’ve generated millions of website visitors and seen income returns of over (See For Yourself Inside) per month! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.



Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.