How To Know If Someone Is Professional!

By Simply Using Our Old Friend Google!

Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)


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The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What Will You Learn From This Article?

See What Google Has To Offer About The Person.

Professionally Completed Profiles Are A Good Indication.

See What Google Has To Offer About The Person.

In my opinion, Google has the answer. If there are any indexable links related to that person, they will be on Google. There are a few things you may want to pay attention to.

Contact Details.

Demographic Location.

Websites And Blogs.

YouTube Video/s.

YouTube Channel/s

Major Social Media Profiles.

When someone claims to be a professional content writer, then there should be some URLs in Google. Profiles, posts, videos, something! If not, well, then I have my doubts.

There are way too many “Experts” these days. Just because you completed one or two courses, does not make you an “Expert” now, not just yet.

All you have to do is type in the person’s full name into your browser and search. Simple as that.

Google My Business” is a good indication, but not a necessity. Not all professionals have a “Google My Business” setup. When there is a lot of info about this person in Google then check out the indexed URLs.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

That should give you a good idea of who the person is. These links may be to social profiles, blogs, videos, and an array of content.

Professionally Completed Profiles Are A Good Indication.

Professionally completed profiles are of paramount importance. Let’s say someone claims to be an SEO “Expert”, then surely, they must know that a faceless profile does nothing for user experience, right?

Most professionals have links to their blogs, websites, video channels, writer profiles, and many more in their profiles. Meaning they have been “busy” for a while on the internet.

youtube channels and marketing videos
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

My point is that there must be some form of an established online presence. It means that the person has been online for a while and may in fact have the knowledge they claim to have.

There is also the quality of the content on these professional profiles, and how well it solves a problem. Not how well it carries a sales pitch. This is a good way to separate the real professionals from those that only claim to be.

There are so many ways to make money online it can be quite confusing. Just be careful where you spend your money, and whose advice you follow.

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Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.