Medium Writing = Affiliate Sales

Medium Article Writing Tips For Affiliate Sales!

Guaranteed affiliate sales with strategic Medium article writing!

Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)
7 min readNov 19, 2023


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Multiple Article Writing Tips With Medium For Affiliate Sales
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What you will learn from this Medium article.

· Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales introduction.

· Ensure relevance between articles and affiliate products.

· Benefits of writing Medium articles with search engines.

· Writing Medium articles not aimed at generating sales.

· Conclusion of Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales.

· Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales introduction.

The most important part of this Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales is the fact that you get to leverage SEO. Medium makes SEO easy, in fact, much easier than blogging for instance. Among these Medium article writing tips, there are several advantages to using Medium for affiliate marketing sales.

Medium is a powerhouse of targeted traffic, with over 150 Million visitors per month. Of these, almost 50% are from top-tier countries. All you have to do is step in front of already existing traffic. But we will show you how during the course of this article, packed with Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales!

The advantages of using Medium for affiliate marketing to generate sales are listed below. From experience, we can assure you, that Medium must be one of the easiest ways to get floods of visitors to your affiliate offers and generate sales. Your SEO advantages are as follows, when you leverage it right, you will be surprised.

· Targeted organic search traffic.

· Increased audience response.

· Word of mouth advertising.

· Building recognition and trust.

But your content is ultimately responsible for generating sales, as it would with any other traffic strategy. Your content must do the talking, not the “sales pitching”. Remember that people are mostly searching the internet for one, or all four of the reasons listed below. Your job as a writer is to provide them with that.

· Solutions to problems.

· Answers to questions.

· Guides to achieve goals.

· High-quality free stuff.

You build recognition and trust first, by providing high-quality, problem-solving content. Once you have solved enough problems, your audience will trust you as a “problem solver”, not a “salesman”. That in turn makes a world of difference, because people are more likely to buy from a “familiar”. But we will get to all of that, so keep reading.

But, before you can start with affiliate marketing on Medium. Your step one is nothing else than reading the Medium Rules. While bearing in mind that when you do use Medium for affiliate marketing, you must add an affiliate disclosure to each article that contains affiliate offers.

Ensure relevance between articles and affiliate products.

This is really important, although not always that easy, but among the more important Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales, is content relevance. When your article solves a particular problem or offers guidance to complete a certain task. Always try to ensure your affiliate product will do the same.

Your affiliate product should be as “on topic” as your Medium article content. Relevance plays an important role in boosting your sales with Medium and affiliate marketing. Your affiliate offer must solve a similar problem, preferably based on personal experience. This means, buying and testing what you intend to promote.

Alternatively, you pay attention to reviews and testimonials. While always ensuring that the product comes with a full money-back guarantee. That is what we call a “safety net” with marketing. It sets your buyers at ease, making them much more likely to buy from you. Do not neglect relevance.

Place your affiliate offer in your article footer area, along with the affiliate disclosure as required. But why the footer area? Because you are targeting people most interested in your content, read it in full. Almost insuring a sale through curiosity. First, you solve a problem and then provide an affiliate offer.

Benefits of writing Medium articles with search engines.

As mentioned in the article introduction, these Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales are an excellent way to leverage SEO. That means you can enjoy several benefits, as mentioned below. Because you get to leverage SEO, along with Medium publications. All form part of the SEO “snowball” effect once you get traction.

· Targeted organic search traffic.

· Increased audience response.

· Word of mouth advertising.

· Building recognition and trust.

Driving traffic with SEO means, interest, GEO location, and free targeted traffic. While GEO location targeting means you are reaching the right audience, at the right time, with the right product. Timing is important for sales. When you post, engage, and promote at the wrong time. You are reaching your “target audience” when they are all sleeping.

Because this traffic is so targeted, it naturally results in more responses. Like commenting, clapping, sharing, and engaging, because with SEO, it means you are reaching an audience interested in your content. The more “action” you have, the more action you get. Search engine algorithms just work that way.

Writing Medium articles not aimed at generating sales.

This may sound a little strange, but among this Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales, you also have to “sell” without “selling”. You must create content that solves problems, regardless of whether your reader purchases anything. Offer a solution that works, so your visitors can remember you.

· Solutions to problems.

· Answers to questions.

· Guides to achieve goals.

· High-quality free stuff.

Be sure that your content is simple to understand and easy to read. That will increase your read count. Your true Medium power lies in reads because people who actually read your entire article are interested in the solution. Therefore, they will reach your affiliate offer in the footer area, and probably “take it for a test drive”.

When your content is based on the above-mentioned guidelines, you will never have to “sell” anything. Because your content will be doing the talking, as it should. That is why these Medium article writing tips are so powerful. You can generate affiliate sales, 100% free, without ever paying for traffic.

Your aim with your content is to create curiosity through guidance, and providing a proven solution. That way building trust and recognition. Those are the key elements to sales, not sales pitches, clickbait and spam. That is why these Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales are so important. Curiosity must lead your reader by the hand.

Conclusion of Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales.

With these Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales, the privilege of leveraging SEO is priceless. As are the benefits, rather profitable benefits. But SEO requires a lot of work, you might want to scroll our home feed to learn about SEO and how to dominate search engines. Your SEO benefits are listed below.

· Targeted organic search traffic.

· Increased audience response.

· Word of mouth advertising.

· Building recognition and trust.

How well your Medium article solves a problem, is paramount to generating affiliate sales on Medium. Structure your article content with these writing tips, as listed below. You must first solve a problem, and gain your reader’s trust, and only then can you start generating sales with affiliate marketing on Medium.

· Solutions to problems.

· Answers to questions.

· Guides to achieve goals.

· High-quality free stuff.

Amazing benefits by applying a few simple content “rules”. But do not neglect the importance of a professional profile. People will not buy from a faceless, or incomplete profile. Will you? We didn’t think so. Having a professional profile will help with building trust and recognition. That is how you get the most out of this Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales? Do you struggle with traffic and generating sales with affiliate marketing? Do you understand how these Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales work?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “Medium Article Writing Tips For Affiliate Sales!” story on Medium is concluded.

Now you know about these Medium article writing tips for affiliate sales! Simply apply the strategies, and follow the guidance in our other Medium articles, and you’re good to go. We test these strategies all the time, they work, and that is why we share them.

Today all our website traffic is generated from our own efforts. Efforts we have perfected over the years, overcoming many failures. Efforts that generated up to 16,364 free interest targeted visitors per day! Besides, you have nothing to lose, you get a full refund if you don’t like what you see! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30 to 60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

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Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.