Making Money Online

Reasons Why You Do Not Make Money Online!

Making these 4 mistakes stops you from Making Money Online!

Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)
10 min readNov 13, 2023


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There Are 4 Main Reasons Why You Are Not Making Money Online
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What you will learn from this Medium article.

· 4 Reasons why you do not make money online introduction.

· These 4 things are putting the brakes on making money online.

· What you can do to avoid making these 4 devastating mistakes.

· Conclusion of 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

· Free affiliate marketing stuff for our Medium subscribers!

4 Reasons why you do not make money online introduction.

In an “almost impossible” to succeed digital world there are 4 reasons why you do not make money online. The 4 Primary reasons most people fail and why they do not make money online.

In this article, you will learn about the 4 reasons why you do not make money online, and the solutions to remedy that.

Making money online starts with planning, and preparation, while building recognition, and trust. Not by floods of sales pitches and clickbait. That is why you need to know about these 4 reasons why you do not make money online, and how to fix that.

Making money online is an art, not a contest and direction is much more important than speed. First, you must build recognition and trust by providing solutions to problems (with your content, not product offers), after identifying a common need.

However, you cannot identify a common need if you don’t know who your target audience is. As listed below, these are the 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

· You are targeting the wrong audience at the right time.

· You are targeting the right audience at the wrong time.

· Your content does not comply with 3 crucial topic styles.

· You are not targeting any audience at all.

But we will cover this in more detail shortly, so keep reading to the end. There are also 4 solutions to remedy the 4 “mistakes” as mentioned below.

These will eliminate the 4 Reasons why you do not make money online, and before you know it, your “one day” will be “today”! Be prepared to keep going until you succeed, no matter what.

Not just until you grow tired of trying, because the successful “online money makers” are merely the ones that “refused to give up”. We know, it took us 13 years to “get there”.

Decide how badly you want to succeed, and how far you are prepared to go until you do! Below are the solutions to these 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

· Learn to master GEO location targeting.

· Create content based on the 3 basic topic rules.

· Focus on audience timing and SEO.

· Research interests and needs.

There it is, but don’t run just yet because you just saw us mentioning the dreaded “SEO”. It really is not that difficult; you only have to master the ability to describe your content to search engines by means of layout and structure.

There is a winning structure with Medium article writing which is why you might want to read the article below too. With these SEO strategies, we were able to index and rank Medium articles and publications in position one, on page one in search engines, within as little as 5 hours!

These 4 things are putting the brakes on making money online.

The most commonly identified culprit, based on these 4 reasons why you do not make money online, is misdirection. You are shown these impressive sales screenshots.

Because they are aimed at indicating to you what is possible, not what is imminent! There is no such thing as “one size fits all” with making money online. What works for one person, may not necessarily work for the next. Which forms part of what you are often not told about “the time it took to get there”.

You might have noticed us mentioning in other Medium articles about 900%, and 1000% growth rates. Yes, although we “did that” in less than 6 months, we have been online since 2011. By making money online, you will test a lot of systems, tools, programs, and products.

More than you will later be able to recall, the important part is to remember that on your journey to making money online, you never “fail”. You either “learn”, or you “earn”, so keep going until you do. Failure builds an arsenal of knowledge!

Therefore, it took 13 years to be able to create that kind of growth in 6 months. See how that works? That is what you’re often not told, and many people are often misdirected by the illusion of “instant riches” because of that.

Contrary to popular belief, making money online starts with building trust, planning, preparation, and building recognition. Not by flooding every platform on earth with sales pitches, clickbait, and affiliate links.

That is how, NOT, to make money online. Below are listed the 4 Reasons why you do not make money online. These 4 “most commonly identified mistakes” are “putting the brakes” on your ability to make money online!

· You are targeting the wrong audience at the right time.

· You are targeting the right audience at the wrong time.

· Your content does not comply with 3 crucial topic styles.

· You are not targeting any audience at all.

Targeting (GEO And Interest), content quality (Ability To Solve Problems And Provide Answers) and identifying a common need are of paramount importance. That is how you build trust and recognition, and ultimately generate sales and make money online.

Remember that people are more likely to buy from a “familiar”. Which is why building recognition and trust are so important. Zig Ziglar summarizes that logic ever so elegantly and precisely.

“If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.” — Zig Ziglar

That perfectly explains the 4 reasons why you do not make money online. Because you might not have your audience’s trust yet. For that, you will need knowledge, obtained through multiple failures, which takes time.

That is the “less spoken-about truth” about making money online. But let’s remedy this, shall we?

What you can do to avoid making these 4 devastating mistakes.

GEO location targeting needs to be explored because it establishes affordability and timing. Content quality and timing go hand in hand because you must reach the right audience at the right time. That is part of the remedy to the 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

GEO location and interest targeting can be done by using 2 free tools. We are just mentioning the free tools and leaving the research up to you. But you also want to “build on the information” you get from this article.

Perhaps watch a few tutorial videos on YouTube, because then you are “taught to fish” instead of being “handed a fish”. There is a huge difference because the best teacher you can possibly ask for is, “you”!

· Google Trends.

· Google Keyword Planner (Google Ads Account).

No, you don’t need to run Google Ads just yet, you only need a Google Ads account to use the Google Keyword Planner. Once you have done the GEO location and interest targeting, it is time to come up with attention-grabbing content and design. For this, you will need to identify a common need first.

· Learn to master GEO location targeting.

· Create content based on the 3 basic topic rules.

· Focus on audience timing and SEO.

· Research interests and needs.

Establishing a common need by simply leveraging commenting. Both leave comments and pay attention to other comments. Like with Medium articles for instance, whenever we “run out of ideas”, we resort to commenting for solutions.

This is how we came to decide to write this article about the 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

Because many people are struggling to make money online, that became quite clear. However, you want to target articles, videos, or any other content and means of commenting, related to your own niche. Topic-based content, so you get to add to the advantage of interest-targeted traffic.

GEO location for timing. What does that mean? That means if you want to target a specific GEO location like the USA. Then you need to calculate the time difference between where you are and where your target audience is.

You will then have established the best times to post, publish, and engage with your target audience at the right time.

Conclusion of 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

Without proper targeting, timing, and high-quality content you will not be making money online anytime soon, we can assure you. Calculating the GEO-based time difference is crucial for improving timing and establishing affordability.

Just some of the solutions to the 4 reasons why you do not make money online!

What does “calculating the GEO location time difference” mean? It means you must consider the time difference from where you are, and where your target audience is.

For instance, we are in South Africa, our target audience however is the USA. This is also “Standard Pacific Time”, which is a 9+ hours’ time difference.

Therefore, if we want to reach our USA target audience at 9 PM Standard Pacific Time, then we must post, publish, and engage at around 5 AM to 6 AM in the morning on our side. Because we must deduct 9 hours from where we are in South Africa. Below are listed the 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

· You are targeting the wrong audience at the right time.

· You are targeting the right audience at the wrong time.

· Your content does not comply with 3 crucial topic styles.

· You are not targeting any audience at all.

Always focus on content that does one or all of 4 things. 1 provide solutions to solve problems. 2 offer answers to questions. 3 provide guides to complete tasks. And 4 give away free stuff. Everyone loves free stuff but be sure it is quality free stuff. Something that your audiences can actually benefit from.

Not just some random junk that offers little value, the point is to build recognition and trust. Not to become annoying. Because when you offer value, then your audiences will be “looking forward to your next”. Below are listed the remedies to the 4 reasons why you do not make money online.

· Learn To Master GEO location targeting.

· Create content based on the 3 basic topic rules.

· Focus on audience timing and SEO.

· Research interests and needs.

There are 2 free Google tools you can use for proper GEO location and interest (topic and target keywords) targeting, as listed below. Learn how to use these tools because they are the “weapons” that go with the remedy to the 4 reasons why you do not make money online. They are a truly profitable addition to your online toolbox!

· Google Trends.

· Google Keyword Planner (Google Ads Account).

There you have both the 4 reasons why you do not make money online and the remedy to rectify that. Not posting, publishing, and engaging at the right time, means you might be “reaching the right audience at the wrong time”, or the “wrong audience at the right time”.

Reaching your target audience when everyone is sleeping completely defeats the purpose, and that is where many people go wrong. No wonder they are not making any money online.

Targeting, perfect timing, and high-quality content are your gateway to making money online. Not posting random links and crossing your fingers for a sale.

If you found this Medium story helpful, kindly let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your opinion. Did you know about these 4 Reasons Why You Do Not Make Money Online? Do you struggle with paid ads and traffic? Do you understand how audience timing and targeting work?

If you need help with anything, we speak “Medium” and “Writing” rather fluently, so feel free to reach out any time. With that, our “4 Reasons Why You Do Not Make Money Online!” story on Medium is concluded.

Now you know how to remedy and avoid these 4 Reasons Why You Do Not Make Money Online!

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NOTE TO MY READERS: Considering all the fake “professionals”, “gurus”, and “experts” these days. Allow me to “clear that up”. I prefer to introduce myself as someone with “advanced knowledge” through years of failure. I am no guru or expert; I just failed enough times to finally succeed. If you want to know who I am, simply enter “who is Deon Christie” into your browser and see for yourself.

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full 30 to 60 days, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!

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Deon Christie
Work At Home Jobs (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.