The Future Belongs To The Fast-And-Loose

What are the characteristics of digital-era top-performing companies? Adapting to disruption.

Stowe Boyd
Work Futures


Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

In Redefiners are doing digital right, Tom Puthiyamadam, David Clarke, and Scott Likens share the results of the 2018 PwC Digital IQ survey:

As digital has become a way of doing business, it is clear that companies have become more focused on their goals. The 2,280 respondents to the 2018 DIQ survey self-selected into one of four groups based on the aspirational path they say their companies are following: Modernizers, Efficiency Seekers, Industry Explorers, and Redefiners. Three of those groups primarily aim to use digital tools and ways of working to tweak and shape their business as it is. One group wants to modernize to improve on what it already does. Another is squarely focused on increasing speed and efficiency. A third is keen to break new ground in its industry. And then there’s the fourth group.

Redefiners, which constitute about 23 percent of our sample, are arguably the most ambitious of the groups, and have the most complex aspirations. These companies expect their digital efforts to redefine their core business model and change the way they operate. Continuing to do what is necessary to keep the existing business profitable while simultaneously investing to…



Work Futures
Work Futures

Published in Work Futures

The ecology of work, and the anthropology of the future

Stowe Boyd
Stowe Boyd

Written by Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, work, psychology, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also

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