WFD | An Ecosystem Approach

| Is Belonging A Thing? | Job Creep | Holacracy = Sect | AI Video Interview Law | Stacey Higginbotham |

Stowe Boyd
Work Futures


Photo by Amer Mughawish on Unsplash

Beacon NY 2020–01–06 | Today’s title is drawn from the quote of the day, by Stacey Higginbotham, in a post where she looks back and forward.

I am working on a similar post, and also one in support of ecosystems thinking.

Is belonging complementary to diversity and inclusion, or is it just some sort of withdrawal from the hard work and deep change that D&I requires and replacing it with something squishy, something like community, and maybe something like conformity. Jena McGregor turns over all the rocks in her quest to find out:

Move over, “diversity.” Make room, “inclusion.”

Today, the hot corporate buzzword in the diversity field is “belonging.”

The word is popping up everywhere. LinkedIn, Nordstrom, HubSpot, DoorDash and other companies all now have executives with job titles such as manager of “diversity, inclusion and belonging” or vice president of “global culture, belonging, and people growth.”

Earlier this year, the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School hosted its first lecture panel focused on the topic. Harvard and Yale have also been getting in on the idea…



Work Futures
Work Futures

Published in Work Futures

The ecology of work, and the anthropology of the future

Stowe Boyd
Stowe Boyd

Written by Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, work, psychology, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also

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