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Stowe Boyd
Work Futures


source: Patrick Tomasso

Beacon NY 2019–08–21 | The stakewashing in the press these days is wearing me down. I am feeling decidedly left of socialist, as a result.


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Tom Wilson, in Save Capitalism by Paying People More, appears to be embracing an agenda of corporate generosity, saying that companies should create more high-paying jobs. But this is just more stakewashing, since he doesn’t actually commit to raising wages. If you don’t know Wilson is the chairman, chief executive, and president of the Allstate Corporation and chairman of the executive committee of the United States Chamber of Commerce, which makes him pretty much the archangel of capitalism in the US, today. But in this piece, he wags his finger at corporate boards who aren’t focused on paying workers more, sort of:



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Work Futures

Published in Work Futures

The ecology of work, and the anthropology of the future

Stowe Boyd
Stowe Boyd

Written by Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, work, psychology, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also

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