Work Futures Daily | Failed Expectations

Stowe Boyd
Work Futures
Published in
8 min readJul 18, 2019


| Mass Layoffs | So-So Automation | Phased Retirement | Charles Altieri | Childless Cities | Older Posts |

source: Marcus Spiske

Beacon NY — 2019–07–18 | Today’s title is derived from the downbeat message by Charles Altieri in the Quote of the Day. Forgive me, but the heat wave and this weeks politics have gotten under my skin.


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The short but destructive history of mass layoffs | Sarah Todd details the history of mass layoffs:

Mass layoffs remain routine at many US companies, even when business is good. As Suzanne McGee wrote for The Guardian in 2014, “Being lean and mean is clearly the way corporate America wants to present itself to the world” — in no small part because companies’ stock often rises on news of layoffs, which investors perceive as evidence that management is serious about keeping costs down and profit margins high.

But as John Gapper



Stowe Boyd
Work Futures

Insatiably curious. Economics, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also,, and my On The Radar column.