Work Futures Update | 2020 Retrospective

Some stats and the best stories of the year from hell.

Stowe Boyd
Work Futures


Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

I cataloged all the 126 stories I curated over the course of the oh-so-wonderful 2020. Here are some high-level stats (why doesn’t Medium support tables or nested lists?):

  • 126 stories.
  • Biggest categories — No surprise that distributed work (aka WFH, remote work, etc.) and coronavirus-related issues top the list):
  • I identified 22 stories that I think are great:

I started this effort as a means to an end: I plan to write a series of posts on the most important themes of the future of work and decided to start with a retrospective. Here it is. The series is in the…



Work Futures
Work Futures

Published in Work Futures

The ecology of work, and the anthropology of the future

Stowe Boyd
Stowe Boyd

Written by Stowe Boyd

Insatiably curious. Economics, work, psychology, sociology, ecology, tools for thought. See also

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