Twitter Follower Hack

Mike Warner
1 min readJul 19, 2023


Did you know that by simply using a different share link you can show a prompt for people to follow you on Twitter. This prompt gives them to options, ‘Follow’ or ‘Cancel’. Given that someone followed this link to your Twitter from another source, it is likely they would consider following you.

Here’s how to do this. Take the below URL and replace USERNAME with your Twitter username.

For example, if @itswafflecakes is the Twitter username, delete the @ and use the below URL.

When people follow the above link, they will now be served a popup with one of two options — Cancel or Follow.

Remember, this less clicks, the higher the chances of gaining a follower. Try adding this to your smart links, website, email signature, anywhere that you mention your Twitter profile.

This article was taken from my book Work Hard Playlist Hard: Second Edition, you can grab a copy here.



Mike Warner

Author (Work Hard Playlist Hard), Speaker, Independent Artist. Dedicated to helping artists grow on music streaming platforms. Http://