How Feeling Flannels Started: Charmy’s Journey

Daryl Loh
Work In Progress SG
8 min readNov 19, 2018

With many different types of fashion designs out there today, from fast fashion, streetwear to high fashion and everything in between, it can be hard to stand out as a fashion brand.

Amongst this saturated market, Feeling Flannels stood out as a brand that offers not only great quality and design, but with a very unique concept. The Work In Progress series today is excited to share the story of Feeling Flannels, through the insights and stories from Charmy, founder of the Feeling Flannels brand.

How Feeling Flannels Started

I was curious about how Charmy started such a novel brand. As it turns out, it started with doubt and hesitation. This might be surprising to you, as entrepreneurs always seem to be risk takers, courageous and the like.

Charmy wanted to start something of her own, but like most people, there is always self-doubt that can overpower one’s courage to venture into something new and unknown.

Previously of a business marketing background, Charmy has been working as a marketer when she found her passion in helping brands find their niche and stories.

“My favourite projects to work on are those that help people live better lives or are truly inspirational.”

This passion sets the stage for the new business to come.

But change often only comes with some type of impetus. For Charmy, this came in late 2017.

“I first came up with this idea in late 2017 and I was going through a tough period in my life then. I guess it was then that I knew I could only count on myself to make things better and what better way to prove to myself that I can do anything than to start something from scratch and to watch it grow big?”

As she embarked on this process, she had a vision of the type of business she wanted to start. As a first business, she wanted something somewhat easy, manageable to handle, yet something she was strongly passionate about.

And that marked the beginning of the Feeling Flannels journey.

“I have always been passionate about flannels, with over 50 flannels in my own collection and it is the clothing piece that has always made me feel confident and most me.

I always thought it to be one of the most versatile clothing pieces that both the guys and girls look good in — and so I created Feeling Flannels.”

When she first started Feeling Flannels, she was extremely secretive, afraid of her friends and family’s thoughts. However, she knew that had to change.

“I guess I knew deep down that I had to be the biggest believer of my own brand — it’s just up to me to be brave enough to show it to the rest of the world so that they can share the same thoughts as well.”

Thankfully, her new idea garnered much positive responses from the people around her!

“I even had compliments for my bravery in starting up my own little side hustle, and it has also spurred many of my friends to go on to do the same — many of them simply needed someone that was on the same journey as them to show them that it is all going to be okay.”

The Feeling Flannels Concept

Her love for wearing flannels actually began from a bad self-esteem issue growing up. Wearing flannels was special to her: it made her feel more comfortable and confident. Now she wants to bring this special feeling to many others.

“This is why all our flannels are meant to be oversized because I want my customers to feel like our flannels are giving them a “hug” and telling them that “It’s going to be a great day!”. They are never alone and I want them to be proud of who they are and the flannels are just an embodiment of their true selves and being happy. Just pure happiness.”

With more people being increasingly brand-conscious and chasing the hype, it is indeed refreshing to see a business that truly cares and empathizes with their customers’ feelings.

“When I was still coming up with the concept I always imagined someone waking up on the wrong side of the bed and deciding to wear our flannel and how it instantly brightens their day and sets them back on the right mood.”

Today, the Feeling Flannels brand has a wide variety of feelings that they feature, including Kindness, Gratitude, Love and many more. But how do these feelings come about, and how are they chosen amongst the large spectrum of feelings found in every person?

I find out that these feelings are truly authentic to Charmy’s life.

“I usually choose the ones that I think speaks to me and others the most at that point in time. Like for example OPTIMISM was supposed to be launched first in January 2018 as it was the start of the year and I wanted to encourage people to push through their goals etc., then LOVE because of Valentine’s Day. Then came KINDNESS & GRATITUDE which were just what I felt we needed more in the world.

I love reading books, so a lot of times the feelings are based off new learnings and inspiration that I get from books and the collections are just a way of channelling them to the world. There are only good intentions in all the flannels we create!”

With so many positive feelings she was trying to spread, naturally I was curious about something: Does she have a favourite feeling?

“Ah it’s so hard to decide! But if I had to choose it will be the KINDNESS collection so far. Being Kind is one of the biggest things I believe in and that I want to be and achieve in my life. To be kind and continue to do so even if others aren’t to you. I always believe in the good in others and I know it starts with me.

Other than that I would definitely choose LOVE. Because everything good in the world always starts with LOVE. My biggest goal is to be able to embody all the messages that Feeling Flannels is all about!”

Kindness and Love are feelings she holds dear to. This is also obvious from the brand’s social mission: With every flannel purchased, Feeling Flannels gives back $1 to partner charities around the world.

Charmy’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Charmy’s entrepreneurial journey definitely had its ups and downs.

“So many businesses are being started up everyday, and so many businesses “fail” within that same year. And of course, I often fear that Feeling Flannels will eventually head down that same path. However, I also fear the path of “Not Trying”, and the latter seems to be a bigger price to pay.”

But what made her keep going is definitely the reactions and encouragement from all the customers and people who come across the brand.

“Sometimes, sales and profits can come to a standstill and you start to question your beliefs about the brand and whether or not it was a mistake to begin in the first place. However, seeing the smiles that people have when they first chance upon our flannels and saying how much they love the meaning behind them makes all the hard work worthwhile.”

In fact, one of her most memorable experiences was when she received an order from the other side of the globe.

“I remember getting our first order from the US and I knew that we were really on to something here! Our flannels were relating to people and I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t give up so easily. We are still a very new brand and so I believe there are many more awesome memories to come our way — this is really just the beginning!”

Looking back at her journey, what would she have done different? She would probably have been comfortable with making mistakes and diving straight into the business first.

“I would have not been a perfectionist and just gone straight with whatever I have. I have seen many businesses that started with a bare-bone structure and still ultimately grow to do well. If people love your product and idea, the improvements can always come later.

From the customer’s perspective, I would love to see a company grow this way as well because it is so much more authentic than a company that is just way too “perfect” from the get-go. Remember! Brands are also managed by real humans just like me and you!”

Advice For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Given all her experiences, I wanted to know what lessons learnt from this journey. Of course, I also wanted to gather some advice she had for aspiring entrepreneurs who might have some doubts, just like her when she started.

Here are a few pieces of advice she shared:

1) Brainstorming and Starting From an Idea

“I will advise anyone and everyone to invest in a simple notebook to use as their “Ideas Journal” and spend a few months simply brainstorming and writing down a bunch of ideas that inspire you: from products, good marketing advertisements to business concepts or anything else that inspires you.

I believe that good ideas take time to grow and refine — which is what happens when you periodically review the ideas. You will discover that some of these ideas can be combined, separated or even joined with old ideas to make it even better.”

2) Budgeting and Costs

“I would overestimate the costs needed in starting up a business (by a lot). It will really come in handy later on instead of having too little budget to spare, as what happened many times during the actual execution of Feeling Flannels.”

“The importance of budgeting. This is one … that I know I struggle with because often I am more focused on the creativity and marketing aspects of the business that I tend to neglect the accounting aspects of the business. … Sometimes I feel guilty for thinking about the money but I know that I need the money to continue being able to create and impact in the first place!”

3) Setting Goals

“I have also learnt to lay out both the short-term and long-term goals and do one thing every single day that brings me closer to these goals so as not to get easily overwhelmed.”

To all aspiring entrepreneurs, here’s a final piece of advice Charmy has to give:

“I believe everyone has something that they are passionate in and if you can turn that into a profitable business, or even better, a profitable business that helps or gives value to others then it’s shame on you to not embark on it instead!”

If you are itching for more, and would like to chat and find out more about the business and Charmy’s entrepreneurial journey, feel free to reach her at She promises to reply everyone who drops an email!

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Daryl Loh
Work In Progress SG

Passionate digital marketer always on the lookout for new growth tips and strategies