Convertkit + Justuno

Jenna Ochoa
Work in Public by ConvertKit
4 min readJun 25, 2018

Note from ConvertKit: Hey reader! On our quest to continually bring you the best tools to help you grow your business, we wanted to highlight this integration with Justuno. Read on to find out from Justuno’s Jenna Ochoa how their app can help you grow your email list and increase your conversions!

What is Justuno?

Justuno is a conversion marketing platform built to help e-commerce retailers convert a higher percentage of their daily website visitors. The platform boasts over 20 conversion-focused apps to help you increase email signups, convert more sales, and support your ConvertKit email campaigns.

ConvertKit users can now seamlessly integrate lists, forms, and automations with the Justuno platform for easy automation and a more comprehensive conversion strategy.

Despite the introduction of new marketing channels, email marketing for e-commerce continues to provide massive ROI for businesses and its not even close.

In order to fully maximize the power of your email campaigns, you must continue to feed your funnel and that starts with increasing email signups.

How to increase email signups for your e-commerce business

It’s simple. Ask your shoppers to subscribe to your emails. The most effective way to convert a shopper into an email lead is to engage the shopper with an email popup. A simple email popup can convert 5% of your daily traffic into new subscribers that you can market to at a very low cost and a massive return compared to other marketing channels.

To make this more applicable to your e-commerce business, here are 4 incredibly effective use cases of popups for e-commerce.

Sweeten the deal with an incentive

As a retailer, you have so many different tools to help increase email capture on your site. The use of an incentive can drastically increase opt-in rates and can also help drive same visit purchases. Common incentives used in email pop up promotions are:

  • Percentage or dollar amount discounts
  • Free shipping
  • Contests
  • Buying Guides
  • Sales Notifications

Design and branding drives engagement

The importance of email popup design and branding seems obvious but many businesses continue to settle for generic email capture popups that simply don’t perform well. Here’s an excellent example from Sivana Spirit, a fair trade merchant of clothing, jewelry and more.

This full screen popup resulted in a 19% engagement rate, resulting in thousands of emails each month. The addition of branding and a serene background image completely identifies with the company and their shoppers.

Gamified spin-to-win promotions yield big results

After seeing solid success with the basic email pop up, Reshoevn8r implemented a branded spin-to-win promotion which can easily be setup within the Justuno design canvas.

This simple promotional design tweak yielded massive results with an engagement rate of 31.3%!

That’s a 413% increase in pop up engagement over a basic popup design.

The numbers don’t stop there.

The spin-to-win promotion also increased conversion by 83% over the basic popup promotion.

Note: The discount amount for each promotion was exactly the same at 10% which means this design tweak can be replicated with other retailers seamlessly with the expectation of an increase in engagement and conversion.

Mobile is a huge lead capture opportunity

Mobile traffic continues to increase, especially for e-commerce retailers, and its important to realize that the shopping experience usually jumps from one device to another. Shoppers may browse via mobile device then hop over to desktop to complete the purchase, or vice versa.

To ensure that you are maximizing conversion opportunities, it’s imperative to implement a mobile email opt-in offer. One key thing to remember is that the mobile experience differs from the desktop experience. There are also mobile policies that Google has implemented that you should be aware of.

Here’s an excellent example of a mobile email opt-in banner that does not interfere with the mobile browsing experience while still clearly relaying the marketing message to the shopper.


Cart Abandonment Offers

Support Email Marketing Efforts with website messaging

Build your ConvertKit email list with Justuno!

Optimize your list growth strategy and optimize your e-commerce site for conversions today! The Justuno platform provides your business with everything you need to design, customize, and implement high converting lead capture campaigns. Follow this step by step integration guide or watch this Youtube video to learn how to connect your ConvertKit Lists, Forms and automations with Justuno.

