ConvertKit Monthly Report — November 2016

Work in Public by ConvertKit
4 min readDec 2, 2016

It’s the first Friday of the month and you know what that means! It’s time for our monthly report sharing revenue stats, company updates, and engineering updates.

The Stats


Net Revenue came in at $718k! This is largely a result from a big Cyber Monday Promotion we ran. It was our biggest promotion yet.


Our customer base also grew and we crossed 9k this month! We are up to 9,706 customers.

Churn (both User and Revenue) is something we’re always keeping an eye on. Both user and revenue churn seem to be holding steady right around that 7–8% mark each month. To combat this, we’ve shifted the way our teams work a bit and are focusing on new customer onboarding and truly helping our customers succeed in their blogging businesses.

You may have already seen our handy Toolkits and you’ll start to see more courses and other resources to help you grow. We want you to stick around — not just for our benefit but for your own and for the benefit of the field of blogging as a whole!


We added Haley Chamberlain to our Customer Success Team this month. Haley is from Boise, ID, is a runner and a yogi, says there’s no such thing as “too much coffee”, and has tons of experience blogging for her own wellness business. Expect to see more from her as you send in your questions!

Engineering Updates

We love sharing this part of our monthly report since it’s the one you’re always most excited about. And November is sure to be exciting for you. Here’s what’s new around ConvertKit:

Broadcast Reports Page Redesign

It’s the same great report page for your Broadcasts, but our amazing designer, Dylan, decided to fancy it up a bit and improve its readability. Check it out:


Filter Broadcasts by Status

We’re working on better filtering/organizing all around the app and this is a great place to start. You can now filter your Broadcasts by status: Draft, Processing, Queued, and Completed.


This is handy if you like to batch your work or have a team member load up your emails in advance. You can simply sort to see your Draft emails and schedule them to Queued!

Here’s a Knowledgebase article with more details:

Create Custom Fields Through the API

You’ve been able to build custom fields for a while now within the app itself. We’ve recently updated things so you can create those same custom fields for your forms directly in our API.

API documentation can be found here:

New Form Integrations Tab on Your Landing Page Settings

Settings was getting to be a crowded place, and we wanted to make things easier for you as you setup your Landing Pages. Now when you head to that page, you’ll see a Form Integrations Tab giving you your options on your integrations. It looks like this:


Which leads us to…. another integration!

Integration with Unbounce

Unbounce is an incredible landing page builder and we’ve partnered with them to allow you to connect your Unbounce landing pages directly to ConvertKit!


Here’s how:

That’s a wrap!

November was a big month for us and we have even more exciting features and team members coming your way in December. We’re planning on ending 2016 with a big bang — are you with us?!



Work in Public by ConvertKit

We help bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters earn a living online with simple but powerful email marketing software.