ConvertKit Monthly Report — October 2016

Work in Public by ConvertKit
4 min readNov 4, 2016

It’s been another month of growth here at ConvertKit! We reached over 9k customers and continue to climb in monthly recurring revenue. Here’s the details before we move into some brand new features we’ve launched:

The Stats

We came just shy of $450k this month in MRR!! Monthly recurring revenue grew $35,893 (from $411,754 to $447,647).


Net Revenue came in $2k higher than MRR for the month of October.


Our customer base crossed 9k this month! We are up to 9,210 customers.


As we are focusing on our revenue goals and customer growth, strategizing ways to keep churn low is a major priority. We are currently improving our onboarding sequences and offering more one-on-one training with our customers. We’ve also updated and added several articles to our ConvertKit Knowledge Base.


After coming through a long period this summer where we were focused on scaling ConvertKit and fighting off spammers and other nefarious members of the web, we have some fun announcements to make. The last month as an engineering team we’ve been able to focus on features again, which feels pretty incredible.

There’s so much to cover that I’ll skip any more of an intro, let’s jump in!

Tracking unique broadcast link clicks

When telling you the click rate for links in a broadcast, it was always the total for all clicks. Well now it’s broken out to show you the click count for each link specifically.


This is especially useful when you include…

Bulk actions on link clicks

Have you ever wanted to tag everyone who clicked a link, but forgotten to setup the link click trigger and automation rule in advance? Plenty of customers make this easy mistake. Until now there wasn’t a way to perform an action after the fact on link clicks.

But now it’s really easy. Simply click on the subscriber count in the screenshot above, and you’ll be taken to the subscribers page, filtered down to only show those who clicked that exact link. Then select everyone and perform a bulk action to tag the subscribers (or add them to a sequence).


Date ranges on the dashboard graph

You can now change the dashboard new subscriber graph to show you a specific date range. Add completely custom dates, or choose from a preset of ranges from the last month, to all time. This will give you a much better picture of how your audience growth has been performing over time.


Custom fields in broadcasts and sequences

Since we rolled out custom fields support a few months ago you’ve been able to store any data you want on a subscriber, but it hasn’t been super useful…until now.

Now you can save country, last name, phone number, language spoken, or just about anything else in a subscriber profile and re-use it in your emails.


New account settings

We also took some time in October to redesign the account settings page. That involves re-organizing it, adding more clear help information, and splitting up the content into multiple tabs. One of the biggest things is that this redesign makes finding your past invoices much more discoverable.


Widgets in WordPress plugin

Upgrade to the latest version of ConvertKit for WordPress (with one click in your WordPress admin panel) and you’ll get the ability to embed forms in your sidebars by dragging in a simple ConvertKit widget. This latest update to the plugin also includes a handful of small CSS fixes for forms.


Improved spam protection

Finally, even though we haven’t been attacked (as much) this last month, we’ve still been putting a lot of effort into spam protection. We started using an additional service and further refined our spam detection and controls. It feels good to keep making this more robust each month!

Wrapping Up

It’s been another great month and we thank you all for your support! We are committed to serving our customers and continually making ConvertKit a better application.



Work in Public by ConvertKit

We help bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters earn a living online with simple but powerful email marketing software.