Matt Newbill and Barrett Brooks take on new leadership roles at ConvertKit

Nathan Barry
Work in Public by ConvertKit
2 min readMar 7, 2018

We’re really excited to announce two big changes to the leadership team at ConvertKit.

Matt Newbill is transitioning from his role as Director of the Customer Success and Sales teams to take on more responsibility as our VP of Growth. In this new role he’ll be able to oversee the entire customer lifecycle. Starting from when a customer first hears about our brand, to the their experience setting up their account, all the way to account management and preventing churn.

This end-to-end experience affects all of our growth numbers at ConvertKit (new revenue, expansion, and churn) which is why it’s so important to have Matt in this new role.

Barrett Brooks is taking over a new position as COO of ConvertKit. In this new role he will work hard to weave our mission of helping creators earn a living through every aspect of the company. He will continue to push ConvertKit to grow as a company and each individual on the team to do their best work.

We’re really excited to have Barrett driving this cohesive mission and growth throughout the entire company.

Over the last two years we’ve gotten really clear on our mission and vision for the company. Combine that with the support from 18,000 amazing creators and we have the resources to make a big difference helping creators all around the world earn a full-time living doing what they love. Even more importantly, we’re able to support those 18,000 creators in teaching and inspiring over 100,000,000 subscribers!

Matt and Barrett stepping up to take on bigger challenges opens up two new leadership positions at ConvertKit. Over the next month or two we’ll be hiring a director of customer success and a director of marketing. These two new team members will be people who care deeply about coaching a growing team and serving the wonderful creators who allow us to come to work every day.

If you know someone who would be a good fit to join our team, please get in touch.

