Notes from the Engineering Team — July 8, 2016

Work in Public by Kit
2 min readJul 8, 2016

Hey, everybody :)

We’re chomping at the bit to get faster broadcast delivery out to all of you, and we are almost there. And that makes us really happy.

“So then,” you wonder, “what’s next?” Great question. And I want to talk about the answers.

Roadmaps for the longer-term have a tendency to change, but we can see this far out today. What we decide to build next is always a mix of the features you ask for, the surprise features we want to delight you with, and the most efficient ways to get to our next goals. Now, here’s a little more on what’s coming soon:

  • Increased Responsiveness for Forms on Mobile Devices
    Our forms adapt well to where they’re placed on your blog, whether it’s in the sidebar, in with your content, or in a header. Sometimes, though, they haven’t played as well on mobile devices. We’re robustifying the responsiveness of our forms for smaller screens, so you never have to worry about how your readers are accessing your site.
  • Offset Sequence Emails by Hours
    Many of you have asked for this feature, and now we’re going to build it. Actually, we’re going to re-architect the way we send sequences so that we can enable it, which means it probably won’t be showing up in my update two weeks from now.
  • More Insights Into Your Data
    There are a lot of kinds of reports we can build for you, but we’re going to start with an obvious one: that dashboard graph needs to let you select a different time range, so we’ll do that. After that, we’ll dive into both sequences and broadcasts and start exposing more of the info you’ve asked for on them.
  • Filter Out Subscribers from Receiving an Email in a Sequence
    Right now, you can exclude subscribers from an entire sequence depending on what tags, forms, segments, or other sequences they are subscribed to. We’re going to be bringing that same power to individual emails in a sequence, giving you even more control over what you communicate to your subscribers.
  • Continued Performance Boosting
    We always hold two things in tension on the engineering team: Delivering new features and maintaining the speed and performance of the app. So, while we work on those items mentioned above, we’ll also be working on a number of things in the background to keep everything running smoothly.

I might not always update you on our roadmap in a blog post, so if you’re curious can always follow what’s on our brains at We try to make sure it stays up to date.

With that, I’m going to get back to working on the speed of your broadcasts — seriously, I couldn’t be more excited about what we’re going to be delivering.



Work in Public by Kit

We help bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters earn a living online with simple but powerful email marketing software.