Our focus on infrastructure at ConvertKit

Nathan Barry
Work in Public by ConvertKit
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

We’ve been heavily focused on infrastructure these last six months at ConvertKit. It’s not as fun and sexy as building new features, but necessary to successfully scale to support more customers.

Here are a few of our projects…

Now that we send 750 million emails per month sending speed is really important. We rewrote the code for calculating when and how sequences send. It’s so much more performant and will now scale well. Here’s email sending per day for January.

Using Elastic Search to make everything fast

We’ve also moved most of our graphing and statistics over to Elastic Search. Which is why the subscriber graphs on the dashboard load so quickly. Filtering by dates and segments, as well as net new subscribers, is also very quick.

This is especially important for creators like Tim Ferriss, Tim McGraw, Gretchen Rubin, and others who have giant lists and need great performance.

Automation performance

The next area is on visual automation performance. The math to render and layout these large automations gets really complicated. We’re nearing completion on a rewrite to make that much faster so the extra large automations will load properly.

More bug fixes

And finally we’ve fixed a lot of edge cases and bugs that weren’t often encountered, but now with 21,000+ creators using ConvertKit “not often” became far too often.

Our theory is creators want “simple software, done well” so they can engage with their audience and get back to their craft. All this infrastructure work is critical for that. And we do have some sexy new features coming next week, but I’ll tell you about those another time.

