See your ConvertKit subscriber data inside Gmail

Nathan Barry
Work in Public by ConvertKit
2 min readOct 6, 2017

A few months ago I saw a tweet from Justin Jackson suggesting a Gmail plugin that would show ConvertKit subscriber data in the Gmail sidebar.

It’s a great idea. We have the same thing in our Help Scout account for our customer success team.

Fun fact: Justin Jackson has been continuously using and paying for ConvertKit longer than any other customer! Thanks Justin!

At the time we were working like crazy to build visual automations (though we hadn’t told anyone yet), so we didn’t have any development resources to build the plugin.

Though conveniently this lives outside ConvertKit and is a perfect use for the ConvertKit API. That makes it perfect to be developed by someone outside our team. Thanks to the magic of Twitter we quickly found Ross Campbell to develop it.

Now it’s live and ready to use!

The plugin

Now when you’re reading an email inside of GMail you can immediately see if this person is a subscriber to your email list or not.

But even better than that, if you sell products you can see exactly what they’ve purchased and whatever else you have tagged them with.

View the plugin in the Chrome Store

Setup steps

That’s it!

Oh, and go back to the chrome store and give us a review.


