Updates from the Engineering Team — July 22, 2016

Work in Public by ConvertKit
2 min readJul 22, 2016
Good news, everyone!

I’m happy to report on a few things we’ve taken care of these last two weeks that many of you have been asking us about. Without further ado:

  • App performance
    We’ve had a couple of growing pains recently, and we know some of you felt them. We’re not finished, we know, but we made some serious strides this week in improving the performance of the application (especially around 6am Pacific — we know some of you had been experiencing a lot of crashes then). We were able to identify some of the underlying causes for the biggest slowdowns in the app and got them shored up. We’ll be moving on to some more specific areas in the coming weeks (I’m looking at you, slow subscribers page).
  • Timezones
    When using the application, timezone inconsistencies have been a frustration point for some of our users. Last week, we released an update that unifies the presentation and timezone handling of all the places a date is displayed within the ConvertKit interface. The most obvious improvement for many of you is that the graph of recent subscribers on the dashboard now resets at midnight in your account’s timezone, instead of GMT.
  • Mobile responsiveness for forms
    The behavior of our slide-in and modal forms on small screens (phones) has been a little… lacking. But no more. Our new designer, Dylan, examined and tackled the biggest bugs with those forms and has really cleaned them up. We think you’ll love the results. When we do upgrades to our forms, we version them. (Except for minor bugfixes.) We do this because we know that many of you have embedded the full HTML of your forms into your pages or applied styles within your own site to override some of our CSS. We’d never want to break that. That said, if you’d like to get the latest in mobile styles on your forms, you’ll need to upgrade your forms.
  • Broadcast speed
    Look at me, burying the lead. I seriously saved the best for last, here. Over the next few days, you’re going to notice that your broadcasts process and send a whole lot faster. We’re rolling out our new code a little at a time to make sure all is right and good with the world, but by my next update I’ll have some metrics to share about the improvements we’ve made. We’ve been working on this particular project for a couple of months now, and it’s going to make a big difference.

We’re so excited about releasing these things for you. We think they’ll make a big difference.

Questions? Email us at support@convertkit.com any time!



Work in Public by ConvertKit

We help bloggers, vloggers, and podcasters earn a living online with simple but powerful email marketing software. www.convertkit.com