Why Cloud Services Are Best For An Organization?

Mahesha N
Writers at Insight
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2020

Some of the Cloud Services are: Online servers, online database service providers, Online website host providers, Cloud data storage like One drive etc.

As the world is looking forward to cloud computing to achieve the goals to avoid any downtime of services like web apps, websites, and servers. This really is simple to maintain the services and reduce the cost.

Also, as data is the biggest asset for an organization, It is really important to have the data protected from any loss of data in case the machine\servers\portal storage disk gets damaged.

So, cloud services are highly recommendable for any organization to provide better services to the clients\customers. Some of the most popular cloud service providers are Microsoft azure, AWS, etc.

Advantages of cloud services:

  • Accessibility: Need not worry about VPN, maintenance of servers, and having to run them 24/7 in the office and on infrastructure need for services. Over the internet, you can access online services, websites, DBs, virtual desktops, and virtual servers.
  • MDM: Organization devices like desktop, laptop, mobile can be maintained over the internet.
  • Saves Cost: The cost can be significantly reduced if you select the necessary services you need and turning off services that are not in use.
  • Security: Cloud service providers offer many options to secure cloud services in many ways, you’ve got to adapt to the suitable ones.
  • Disaster recovery: Cloud service provides the facility to replicate the cloud services and data from one location (city, country, or continent) to another.
  • Mobility: Services not only can be controlled over the laptop, but also through mobile phones.
  • Technical support: The biggest advantage is that you get technical support directly from the technical team.

