On professionalism.

Or lack thereof.

Andrew Eccles
Work. Life.


It may just be me, my current mood or perhaps just a sad sign of the times but has professionalism declined recently?

Admittedly this thought was brought about by IMHO an ill-written tweet by someone who should know better but seriously, in certain circles it seems to have all but disappeared.

I personally associate how we speak and interact with each other as a mark of professionalism and mutual respect.

I’ve had conversations with and observed conversations between grown men and women recently and they seem to have regressed in regards how they speak to each other. Dare I say my nephews can hold together a more elequent conversation.

If you work at/run/own a business then act accordingly.

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.
— Corinthians 13:11

I blame Drake. #YOLO.



Andrew Eccles
Work. Life.

From greengrocer to Mac-Man to Operations Director. I'm an optimist. If all else fails, in ☕️ we trust.