How to effectively control orgasms of men (the type refraining from male orgasm)

Richard Gong
Work to Live
Published in
5 min readJan 2, 2024


This time is about an effective way of controlling orgasms of men. First of all, let me confirm the definition of ‘orgasm control’ by referring to the definition of Wikipedia (as of the end of December in 2023, when this content was initially created).

Orgasm control can mean any of several sexual activities involving forcing, denying, postponing or extending orgasm, sometimes in combination:
- Forced orgasm, the forcing of an orgasm that is outside the recipient’s voluntary control
- Orgasm denial, preventing the recipient from having orgasms
- Edging (sexual practice), postponing orgasm to achieve an ecstatic state

As is confirmed in the previous paragraph, orgasm control is defined as a sexual activity. Considering which, I would like to introduce a categorization of sexual intercourse.

The categorization

  • Session 1: the sexual intercourse lasting for from a few hours to two days
  • Session 2: the sexual intercourse lasting for longer than two days (this time picks up this session.)

This content adopts the ‘Session 2’, in which the orgasm controls are executed, in some cases, for weeks, months, or in extreme cases, for years. Which is why, the sexual activities this content explains are the following.

  • Orgasm denial
  • Edging (sexual practice)

In this case, forced orgasm is not realistic. Because even when certain man is forced to orgasm by the uses of some types of vibrators attached to his sexual organ, their batteries would run out.

In the next section is brought up points to know. I would like you to read the points before you control the orgasms of your sexual partners in reality. For a convenience, I additionally wrote the main target readers of this content.


  • Orgasm denial: lock their penises, and testicles, if possible, in chastity.
  • Edging: keep arousing their sexual desires.
  • Hygienic environment: make sure that cages or chastity belts used for locking penises are regularly cleaned.

The main target readers

  • Sadistic girls and ladies who would like to get a basic idea about how to control the orgasms of their sexual partners (e.g. their sexual toys or slaves, their boyfriends, their husbands)


Please read the points listed in the section ‘Points’ written above, including the section ‘Details’, below.


Point 1 — Orgasm denial: lock their penises, and testicles, if possible, in chastity.

Please make sure that the penises of your sexual partners are encased in some types of cages to prevent those partners from reaching climax, or in most cases, from ejaculating. Without the cages covering their penises, they may ejaculate and reach orgasms intentionally or accidentally. Even accidental ejaculations spoil the delight and pleasure of orgasm controls.
Which is why, it is the safest way to cover their penises for preventing external stimuli.

Point 2 — Edging: keep arousing their sexual desires.

Although their penises are encased in cages, they can stand the situation if they feel no sexual desires. For example, when they work, they have many problems, concerns, crises, and other various things related to their works, chores, plans, projects, and organizations themselves they are working for. This is really the case to excellent workers. In such situations, they can feel no sexual desires. You can think that the larger responsibilities of their works entail the lower sexual desires they can afford to feel. Their penises aren’t erected in works, and in the cases of busy workers, they have no suffering stemming from the cages attached on their crotches.
Which is why, you need to keep arousing them to successfully torment them by the cages covering penises. When they erect their penises, their penises hit and press the cages. By which they sometimes feel extreme pains. This is the situation you would like to inflict on your sexual partners, isn’t it?
What to do: you arouse your partners and tantalize them. It’s really simple. The longer time you spend for them, the more suffering they experience. This is the point.

Point 3 — Hygienic environment: make sure that cages or chastity belts used for locking penises are regularly cleaned.

If you have experienced the pandemic of COVID-19, I think you can easily understand the importance of cleanliness. The initial edition of this content was created a few years after the end of the pandemic (almost three years after the onset of the pandemic). However, it is probable that you are a person ten years or half a century after the end of the pandemic. Whenever you are reading this content, I would like to emphasize the necessity of cleaning the cages on a regular basis.
Standard intervals are from once a week to once a fortnight (the latter is once per two weeks). Popular periods of orgasm controls are from a week to a month. So you can understand that it is necessary to wash cages after each session. However, some couples, irrespective of their being married or not, try sessions longer than a month. In such sessions, you need to consider how to wash cages in the sessions. For example, you need to tie the hands, wrists, or arms of your partners while you wash them.
Cleanliness, hygiene, and health of your couples are the foundation for enjoying orgasm controls.

Afterwards — benefits of orgasm control

By controlling the orgasms of your sexual partners, or of your slaves in some cases, you can order them to do the following.

Things you can order the men to do

  • To eat saliva, urine, and feces.
  • To fight against the best friends of the partners, quarrel and tear the relationships among them.
  • To speak ill of, or swear about, the mothers, the siblings and the lovers of the partners. The partners have to continue until their mothers, siblings and lovers cry.
  • To kill the own pets of the partners by themselves.
  • To crush and destroy the own eyes and ears of the partners by themselves.
  • To crush and destroy the own testicles of the partners by themselves.
  • To cut the own penises of the partners by themselves.

The above-mentioned things were actually done by some sadistic girls. If you would like to study the bullying case done by those girls, please access the following embedded content. In the following case, the bullied school boy followed all the orders in the previous paragraph.

Note: the embedded content above is written in Japanese. If you like to understand the actual content, please use an application or website, like Google Translate, to read it out.

Recommendable resource

The following book introduces various ways for your getting masochistic slaves. If you would like some slaves, please try it.

The following is the podcast version of this post.
If you would like to listen, in addition to reading, please check this out.

That’s it.

Thank you very much for reading.

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Richard Gong
Work to Live

I create porn contents in Japan. I also have my own adult blog.