Gender Pay Inequality Needs to Stop

Seth Luminous
Work to Unite
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2015

Today in the United Kingdom is Equal Pay Day, and while this is an American related blog about unification I believe we domestic unification shouldn’t be the end. We need to stand in solidarity within the rest of the world, the UK included. What is Equal Pay Day in the United Kingdom? It’s the day in which women start working for free until the end of the year essentially, due to the pay gap between men and women. That is ludicrous, and we have the same problem in many states on America as well.

Women nationwide in states that haven’t made laws for equal pay in America make 79% what men make, and in the United Kingdom it’s 80% of what men make. Why is this a problem? Why does this exist? Due to the old ways of the world that need to be abolished. We, especially us men, need to help women to earn the same wages as men. It is our social responsibility as human beings.

What can be done about this, though? How can we force corporations to adhere to our basic human rights of equality? Protest and speak out and unite against this discrimination. We have created a petition here: Click here for petition!

We choose Bernie Sanders as he is already running to make these changes happen, and we know he doesn’t need to be paid off to do what’s right. Help us make these changes happen with your signature. Your voice matters, your vote matters, you matter. Help become part of the change. While we cannot help the United Kingdom directly as we are American, perhaps some of our readers are from the UK and can petition the Government for better regulations and transparency. We would be willing to share your links if you create them.

This is an issue that has been going on for a very long time, and should not be so. Sadly, this video from the 1970’s is still relevant in 2015. Let’s make sure we end this, so 40 years from now this isn’t still the case.

Gender pay inequality simply doesn’t make sense. Equal pay for equal work seems to apply to men only, even in states which make it illegal to discriminate. Equal pay for equal work needs to apply to everyone universally. I believe in time it will because I know that we will do what needs to be done to make it happen.

